chapter 11 - a glass on the floor

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"you're making it shorter, hm?" asked adore getting into the club.

"i don't know, am i?" trixie smiled at her friend, moving her hips from one side to another.

"oh shit, you're finally learning" adore opened her eyes and slapped trixie's butt, covered in the black fabric.

the blonde girl nodded proudly. "i saw you, so i'm just coping and pasting what you do every time we go out, slut"

"oh you bitch could never be sexy as much as i am" adore walked near her. "also, try to find your friend real quick, she got lost"she said, while turning around.

trixie raised her brows, realizing that gigi wasn't behind them anymore. she frowned and looked at the corners of the club but she wasn't there. "she's probably in the bathroom"

adore nodded. "you wanna go check?"

"i guess so" trixie said smiling.

"okay, go" the black haired girl waved in the air. "come here then, okay?"

"yes mom, be right back"

trixie gave one last glance at the corners, trying to recognize the girls that were talking. one was raja, she knew her and trixie thought she was really beautiful and a great performer. she wasn't sure about the rest, though.

"okay, let's see" the blonde haired girl said, while walking. "you fucking curious bitch"

trixie went close to the entrance of the bathroom, there wasn't latrice this time: the big girl of the night before, probably a body guard of one of the performers or just a bouncer.

trixie opened the door, but gigi wasn't there. "where are you hoe" she entered in the room, finding a mess: there were a lot of open bags with some pants and a sweaty shirt hanging.

she frowned and looked around. "there aren't so many fucking places here though"

trixie snorted and turned, just to find a girl with crossed arms in the doorway. katya looked at her smiling. "there aren't so many fucking places here, you're right"

the blonde haired girl opened her eyes. "i didn't wanna disturb, i was just checking on my friend" she blushed a little bit. trixie wasn't sure, but chills were going all the way down to her spine.

"you're not disturbing" katya said while walking by trixie to enter in the bathroom. "and probably you're friend is just making out with somebody, it's a club you know"

trixie felt her heart skipping a beat when katya's eyes looked straight into hers. she didn't know how to respond actually, as her cheeks began to start looking bright red.

"are you okay?" katya asked, seeing the heat on trixie's face. "do you need some water?" she turned on the tap.

the blonde haired girl shook her head. "no, i'm totally okay i swear" she started laughing of embarrassment.

katya frowned. "take some water" she brought the glass, found on the sink, filled with liquid to trixie's hands. "is your name trixie, right?" she asked.

trixie spat out all of the water she got in her mouth and it went on katya's shirt. "holy shit how do you remem- oh my god" she brought her hand to her face.

"oh don't worry, i didn't like it anyway" katya said, while taking off the wet shirt.

trixie opened her eyes and, taken aback, caused the fall of the glass filled with water. "jesus, fuck, oh my god"

katya started laughing. "let me help you" she said, going down to carefully take the pieces of the glass.

"i am so sorry, shit" trixie completely blushed, looking at katya's back while she was down to her knees. she really wanted her in that position but in a different context.

"no worries, it's totally okay" katya smiled and looked at the other girl, she was standing still with the hand still brought to her mouth.

"no i'm sorry" trixie shook her head. "i didn't mean to cause all of this mess"

katya stood up, slowly taking off trixie's hand off her mouth. "i said it's okay"

the blonde girl paralyzed, looking straight into those gems. she could swear, there were thousands of galaxies there.

"i'm still sorry" trixie looked to the ground and katya lifted her chin.

"nothing happened, just a glass on the floor" the blue eyed woman smiled.

trixie nodded.

"great, now i have to find a trash can" katya took a step back and trixie dropped her jaw looking at the woman's toned abs. she was wearing just a basic black bra, but trixie really wanted to take it off.

katya looked around. "i think there's none here"

"yea, i don't know" trixie said, swallowing.

"probably it's outside, we'll see later" the blue eyed woman leaned against the sink. "you didn't answer to my question though"

trixie frowned. "what question?"

"i asked you if you're name's trixie" katya smiled at the girl.

"oh" trixie blushed again. "yea, my name is trixie mattel"

"i knew it" katya moaned. "i couldn't forget the name of such a pretty girl"

trixie opened her eyes. "a- a pretty girl- girl?"

the blue eyed woman nodded. "yea, a pretty girl" she went closer to trixie. "you're a pretty girl, you know?"

"i don't know" trixie swallowed.

katya smiled at her. "you should know instead"

"well, than-"

"trixie where the fuck ar- oh" adore opened the door of the bathroom. "holy shit, you guys" she started laughing.

trixie jumped up. "adore what are you doing here?" she asked, turning around cutting the eye contact she was making with katya.

"oh i didn't wanna disturb you gays- guys, i mean guys" adore stepped back. "i found gigi and she's clearly not in the bathroom"

"you're not disturbing, we were just talking" katya said, looking at adore.

"then why you're not wearing your shirt" adore asked, pointing at katya's abs.

trixie followed her friend's finger and looked at the woman's toned stomach. she swallowed.

"oh trixie just-"

"it's my fault, i accidentally spat the water on her shirt and now she's without it"

adore frowned. "i don't know, you'll tell me later" she took the arm of her friend. "now come with me"

"no, ad-" trixie tried to break free but her strength was considerable.

"trix stop it, you're coming with me"


to be continued...

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