chapter 6 - pirate

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have you ever had that feeling when you kinda got butterflies in your stomach but they're not really butterflies?

that moment when you feel anxious when you think about somebody or just remembering their face?

have you ever felt dizzy and have you ever felt chills going all the way down to your spine?

do you usually stare at somebody's eyes and understand their rainbows and their darkness?

these are a lot of hard questions to respond but you know, trixie was about to learn a lesson: do not ever fall in love with a blue eyed human being because while you're trying to convince yourself that you have not fallen for them, you will look up to the sky and see their eyes above you and you'll know that you're doomed.

do not fall in love with a blue eyed human being because when you start to miss them and you wish they were there with you holding your hand, you'll see their eyes in the color of your house, in your roommate's nail polish, in your favorite sweater...

do not fall in love with a blue eyed human being because you'll try to find peace in the ocean but instead you'll find yourself looking back at the colors of their gems and you'll wonder if there's a reason why those deadly waves are the exact color of their eyes.


all that trixie knew was about plants, crystals and the age of the trees. she had never been in love with anybody, she actually never had a crush but those eyes were her death.

she met katya just through her gems and she was already feeling something; although trixie wasn't really sure about what that was.


the night was finally over but the girls were still in the club helping bianca to get everything alright and to deal with some drunk guys, as usual. some of the performers were going home and some were in the bathroom packing the last things but trixie was dying to know if that one was still there.

"can you give me that shit? i hate these motherfuckers, look at how drunk they are" said bianca, pointing at some boys in the now little crowd. there were a lot of bottles on the floor and she wasn't really sure about what once was into them.

"no i'm not putting my hands there, forget that" adore shook her head.

"come on whore, give me those things" bianca opened her eyes, still pointing at the bottles on the ground.

"fine" the black haired girl got up and, without desire, went near the drunk guys. "hello" she said, waving at them. "could you please give me those things?" asked. she was feeling better actually, trixie convinced her to drink a lot of water and she threw up a second later.

the boys smirked at adore, one of them got down and, gently, gave her what she wanted.

"thank you" she said, kinda disgusted.

"oh so you made it, what a great adventure hm?" bianca laughed at her, visibly bothered.

adore put on the counter the bottles of the unknown liquid and smiled. "happy now?"

"i'm always happy, can't you see?" bianca smirked.

trixie and gigi rolled their eyes. they were helping the older woman to get everything clear but it wasn't easy actually: a lot of people were still there even thought bianca said to go away multiple times.

"they've been great" gigi looked at the blonde girl smiling.

trixie nodded, a veil of sadness in her face.

gigi frowned. "is everything alright, tracy?"

"you keep calling me tracy, why?"

"i told you, it's cuter and probably everyone calls you trixie so i wanted something special" gigi smiled, again. "what's your surname?" asked.

"i'm trixie mattel" the blonde girl looked back at her friend.

"it looks like a barbie name, i like it"

"and what's yours?" trixie put down the broom.

"miss gigi goode at your service, madame" the red haired girl said, bowing.

"it kinda reminds me of a pirate i swear" trixie laughed at her friend.

"oh wait i got a picture, it's not really a pirate outift but still" gigi took her phone and started researching in the photo gallery. "oh there she is, this is one of my best costumes. i mean not costumes because my mom helps me making them" she showed trixie a picture of herself in a blue and gold outfit. an amazing hat with a feather was covering her black wig and a pair of high boots completed her figure.

"god you look fabulous gigi!" trixie said with excitement. "is your mom a seamstress?" asked.

"well yea, i am too i guess" gigi smiled.

"i love tha-"

bianca interrupted them, giving trixie the broom back. "you forgot this hoe"

the blonde girl took it and nodded, rolling up her sleeves. "we gotta go back to work, you'll show me later"

gigi simulated the military salute and took another broom. "alright"


to be continued...

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