S1 ( 1 )

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"Class, we'll be having a new student joining us. Please welcome him with open arms. " The teacher then signalled for the student to introduce himself.

" Hi, my name is John Doe. Hope we can all get along. " After the short introduction the teacher pointed to the seat infront of a magenta haired girl, telling John that that was his seat.

After 2 hours of boring Math Class, John was packing his stuff, getting ready to proceed to the next 2 hours of boredom. But before he could stand up someone stopped infront of him, blocking his way. A girl with mint green hair and a cute face was standing there with an innocent look.

" Hi! Im Elaine, I'm Welstons healer. Nice to meet you John. " John returned the greeting. " Nice to meet you Elaine. Hope we can get along. " John thought that this school would be more focused on Academics than Ability rankings... but he was hit in the face with the cold hard reality that no place is like that in this corrupted society.

" So John, " John knew what was coming before she said anything and mentally prepared on how to reply to her upcoming question. " Whats your ability? "

Now everyone in the classroom was giving their attention to John, all curious on the new students ability and level. " Um...I dont really want to be involved with the Royals, so I rather not say..." just as he said that he heard a huff come from behind him. " Who are you to think you would be part of the Royals? Bet you dont even have that strong of an ability. " She said smirking.

John returned her smirk which made everyone including her even more confused than they already are. "Alright, I'll tell you on one condition. " Everyone waited in anticipation for his conditions, desperate to know his ability, their curiosity killing them inside. " Tell me what the King looks like so I wont mess with him and accidentally dethrone him. "

" Thats easy enough...deal. " Elaine said while smiling. " Okok, my abilty is Aura Manipulation. As the name suggests, I can manipulate auras. I can also copy up to 8 god teer abilities at once and amplify all of them to reach my level. "

Seraphina started giggling and John looked at her confused. " Thats utter bullshit, I dont believe you for a second." John just gave her a little smile and continued. " My passive allows me to detect who has what ability and what level they are currently at. The abilities I copy doesnt have to be one that is already activated. As long as Ive seen the aura I can instantly copy it. "

Everyone gasped in awe at what John just revealed at himself. Everyone but Seraphina. " What is your level John Doe, dont tell me you are all talk. "

John sighed at the girl sitting behind him. " My level exceeds even the normal standard rankings. So yes even yours. You are only a level 8, I bet I can beat you even if im blindfolded with both hands tied behind my back. " seraphina was furious by the remark and slammed her hands onto her desk. " You want to try me newbie? " she threatened while her eyes glowing a magnificent aqua blue. John returned her glare with glowing warm Amber eyes, more menacing than the one staring back at him.

Seraphina was taken aback at the presence he was portraying even though he hasnt even use his ability yet. The dispute was disrupted by the sound of the bell, signalling that the next class has started. " Shit Im gonna be late to my first English class, see you guys around!! " and with that, he left the nosey people and rushed to his next classroom.

John heaved a sigh of relief when he didnt see the teacher in the classroom yet. He didnt want to leave a bad impression on his first day, though hes pretty sure he already has an enemy, even though he doesnt think of her that way. She just seems to have a grudge against him, and he is unsure of why.

Speak of the devil herself, Seraphina casually walks into the classroom and shortly after, the teacher ran in. " Sorry I forgot to bring something and rushed to get it. Ok now lets start with todays lesson. You guys would be assigned to pairs, in your pairs you have to give a presentatiom of the book you have been assigned to. I'll now call out your pairs."

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