S1 ( 10 )

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Everyday John would train Sera, and everyday Sera would try her best to improve over time. The school also decided to take a lot more of the burden off of John so he could be more free and enjoy more of his teenage life, John was thankful for that.

The school staff and John would have weekly meetings and sometimes the other royals joined in. Sera told them about him training her and they wanted in on it too. "The more the merrier I guess?" John was glad everyone wanted to become stronger and has asked him to teach and train them. He was honoured actually.

John learned close combat from his dad, since he was a cripple and had to learn it to protect himself. He also learned ability and physical Combat from another friend. One that has sadly left this earth a few years ago due to an unfortunate run in from Ember.

John still wanted to avenge him and this situation might give him an opportunity to do so.

But at the same time, John didnt want to be so violent, for the sake of all his friends, and Sera. He really didnt want them to be afraid of him or whatever, he enjoys their company and he dont think they would want a friend that kills people or heavily injure them.

The Royals all met John at his house, ready for the close combat lessons and the help to improve their ability.

"Your barrier is strong Arlo, but you can only create a barrier around your entire body. What if you could focus your barrier on 1 specific part?"

John coppied Arlos ability and punched arlo hard enough with his normal hand. Then he out a barrier around his other hand and punched arlo again. This time it bruised, the impact was much more than that of the normal punch.

"See? Its more affective. Focusing your power into a small part of your body would make the barrier stronger due to the dense power, use the same amout of power you use for your normal barriers into that small one. It may be hard for you now and you would need alot of practice, but once you get the hang of it your mastery of your ability would increase along with your ability level. Maybe start off with your arm."

Arlo started to try it out, failing multiple times. Meanwhile John attended to Remi.

"Your lightning is pretty powerful, but
When you are in long distance combat the enemy can see the lightning go towards them, allowing time for them to dodge. If you compress the energy to the palm of your hand, and contol the size of the energy into a ball you can throw it at them. This can cause a distraction while you electricute them from below. Lets start with that first."

He left Remi to try it on her own.

"Blyke, similar to remi you can forcus your beams into each finger tip instead of just 1 or 2. This would increase your damage and cover more area. After that focus more energy to make each beam very dense of energy to make them even more powerful."

Blyke smirked at John, when John let him try out the move, he pointed the middle finger but failed. That made everyone laugh.

"Elaine, right now I found out that you are using alot of energy to heal people. How about we start off by timing your healing speed. Everytime the others spar and get injured try and time your healing. That would increase your stamina and energy level to heal more severe injuries faster."

She nodded, eager to help everyone by getting stronger.

"Sera you have mostly mastered your ability, so for now lets work on your 1 on 1 combat skills, when you can handle a 1v1 we move up to 2v1. This would help your strength, speed and agility for close combat with or without your ability."

Sera nodded, and followed John to the backyard to spar with him. John was very patient, slowly demonstrating and explaining how to do things. If one of them kept failing he would try his best to help them via means that he could handle.

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