Random Update

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I'm starting to do a lot of these that aren't at the ends of chapters.

Right now I am very hungry. Very very hungry. All I ate was some yogurt. I want a doughnut but I'm saving that for PARCC exam day.

I am home sick today. I'm very congested but I was more congested yesterday and went and was fine. I don't feel like going which I don't most days but today sucks. Badly.

Everybody has days where they feel like complete and total crap. Today is that day. This one is bad though because I've gone the other days mostly.

I hate this. My mind is stuck on Izzy. Why? I don't know. I tried to stop it but it doesn't work.

I've been thinking about some weird things a lot too. When people are extremely sad, they either eat a lot more or don't eat. Why isn't there a middle ground? I don't know. I think about a lot of weird crap. Because I am a thoughtful guy. I had too!

What if Bombur was a Pokémon? Can we just think about this? For those of you who don't know, Bombur is the fat dwarf with the red braided beard in LoTR.

What the heck is on Jigglypuff's head?! Seriously! Is it fur? Is it skin? Is it a decoration? What is it? I don't know.

I didn't write on valentines day. Sorry. Did you have a good one? I know I did! I was going to have a LoTR marathon but Jim (moms boyfriend) decided to join in. I didn't invite you! I want to be alone on valentines day (said nobody ever except me). So instead I watched YouTube all day and listened to Peter Hollens.

I don't want to write a chapter for valentines day because it will turn into a rant. Why? Because people are dumb. (Skip over the next two paragraphs if you're easily offended).

"I'm so glad I found my other half!" You need to get your life checked out if you've been walking around as a half of a person! Seriously! I'm a full person. And you should be too! If you need another person to be happy, I feel sorry for you. Really, I do. That is very sad. I am happy right now without somebody!

Then there's the people in relationships that say "Oh, I'm sorry for single people because they're not happy." YES THEY ARE!!! I am happy! My single friends are happy! Every single person I know is perfectly fine with being single! You don't need somebody to be happy! Seriously! Okay, I should stop because I'm getting frustrated.

I hope everybody who is offended easily didn't read that. If you are and you still read that, sorry but don't say I didn't warn you. People think I shouldn't say my opinion if a lot of people don't agree with it. I say that's horse crap. I can have my own opinion on everything and so can everybody else. If you don't agree with it, that's fine. But there's no need to get angry.

I'm not hungry anymore. I don't know how that works. I still want to eat the doughnut. I wish they were bigger. They're so freaking small! But that's fine.

I'll stay in my room though. I made a new book! It's called Keep Going. If you like me talking about overcoming things and would like to know more of what I'm going through, add it to your library because that's where it's getting posted. Hopefully that will keep this book upbeat and happy!

For people who were wondering about the NEAP test. It's actually the NAEP test which makes more sense. I'm not aloud to talk about it. So that's all I will say.

I think this chapter is a little bit on the long side so I'm going to end it here. Thanks for reading!

Kay thanks, byeeeeeee!!

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