Triple Ranting Story Time!

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RANT ONE: McDonalds French Fries

We're going to the park, let's buy fries for the seagulls!

*arrives at McDonalds*

"Hi, can we order three medium fries?"

"Yes you can. Is that all?"

"Yep, thank you."

*goes to the window*

"We actually ordered three fries."

"Uhhh...hold on."

*a lady comes*

"Hi, what was the order?"

"We wanted three fries but it only came up as one."

"Alright, no problem."

*she does something on the computer*

*we go to the next window*

*she hands us one fry*

"We actually ordered three."

"It says one."

*she continues talking and makes it sound like we're stealing french fries.*

"We ordered three, though."

*she yells back at the previous lady we talked to*

"He told me one!"

*we then leave because they suck*

Guess who's getting a bad review on Yelp?

RANT TWO: All Dogs Must be on a Leash

"There's this cool park I want to show you guys."

*we drive to the park, get out, and set Naoko down*

*a huge yellow lab runs up to us with it's hair standing up, barking*

*mom picks up Naoko so she doesn't get murdered*

*the dog keeps barking and lunging at us and Jim now has his finger on the trigger of the mace, just in case*

*mom is hiding behind Jim and I'm on the bench to stay away from the dog*

*it's owner notices he's gone and walks over*

*after about- seven minutes the dog is caught*

*she then mumbles sorry and you could tell it was super fake*

Your dog almost murdered my precious and hurt my family and I! So you don't even say real sorry?!

RANT THREE: People with Celiac Must be Poor

Glutenous Pizza for $6: Delicious pizza with good toppings and it's very a quality pizza.

Gluten Free Pizza for $20: No sauce, onions, olives, or pepperoni. We ordered all of that. I won't complain about the crust because that's nobody's fault, gluten free crust sucks. It looked like they threw the toppings on last second. Most of them weren't even on the pizza. They didn't even bake the pizza! The crust comes baked to the store from Udi's. Since there was no sauce or cheese, they didn't bake those. The topping were all raw. But it was still edible so we ate it.

Kay thanks, byeeeeeeeee!!

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