Whoops (To make it up to you, there's Adam)

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I know what you're thinking. "Caitlin! Why didn't you write yesterday?!" I did write. I forgot to publish it. How? I don't know. Don't look at me like that!

I'll publish it right after I publish this. Okay? Okay. Again, not a TFIOS reference.

I ate a breakfast burrito for dinner today. It had eggs in it. So? I can't have eggs. Why'd you eat it? I forgot I can't have eggs. Stop laughing!

For those of you not fluent in the language of 1827, here's a history lesson. It's vital to the story so read it!

This dude was like "I am the president. Let's make a second nation bank!" Then the other dude and the south was like "Stop! That's unconstitutional!"

Then group work came. It was a role play activity and my group had to make a skit up about the north's view of the national bank.

Kaya was going to be the bank. We said she should only say her name, National Bank. Then Tori says "Like a Pokemon!" So then I say "National Bankachu!"

Later that day Kaya and I said he evolves into Second National Bankachu. That is what happens when you're bored in history.

I finished Sailor Moon 8. This made me sad because that book had my second favorite sailor on it. I don't know her name but she's so cool!

I'm going to go eat dairy free ice cream and binge watch AmazingPhil.

Kay thanks, byeeeeeeee!!

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