How to Dispose of Bodies

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Our internet dude came over to fix our internet, his name is Dan and it was sadly not Danisnotonfire. I decided to come out of the darkness of my room and at least be around another person. Bum- Bum- BUUUMMM! Jim introduced us and then mom, Jim, and Dan talked about the news.

Recently where I live, a drug dealer was busted and they found dead bodies in his yard and fire pit. Like normal people would, they talked about it. I, not knowing how to interact with other people, say "That's not how to dispose of a body." Then I mentally facepalmed and decided to continue so he wouldn't think I'm scary.

I said this to Jim because Mom was there when Uncle Brian said this and I don't know Dan. "Uncle Brian said you should put the body in a bathtub and dump this chemical on it. That dissolves the flesh and organs so you can dump it down the drain. Then you take the bones and put them into a wood-chipper. You take the bone dust and put it into little bags and bury them in different places."

Jim said he got that from Breaking Bad (which he didn't) so it made it seem like Uncle Brian and I weren't creepy people (which we are). That's when I left the room, never to speak to Dan again. I'm not sad about that, though. Also! Don't kill people or use that idea! That isn't nice.

So if you need to make friends, just do that and you'll be good as gold!

AN: This is from a while ago. Just thought it'd add that. Also, title credits go to Child_of_Hope Hope you enjoyed! :3

Kay thanks, byeeeeeeeeeeee!!

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