Lik Dis if u Cri Evertim

18 3 0

WHHHHYYYYYYY?!?! I want to read that, but nobody wrote it. That's the only problem with having such different taste in people than most people. I think this might just be a sign that I'm not meant for Peter. XD Just kidding!

Also! I looked through all my chapters and it turns out you guys like chapters where I just talk about random crap more than if I'm talking about a specific topic like I did in the earlier chapters. So I'll save that for my YouTube channel because those would make better videos than chapters AND you guys like this crap more than that crap. I'm tired. Can you tell? WHEEEEEEEEW!!!!

I wrote this a while ago. Why do I always feel the need to tell you that?

Anyways! I'm starting YouTube on the 20th! Bum- bum- BUUUMMM! I've decided to not only make a gaming channel but like...a regular one. Dunno how to describe it, you'll see!

Also I SAW STAR WARS! It was super cool! I won't say any spoilers. But one thing made me super know what I mean. The dialogue was also more modern and less Star Warsy, which was sad. IT WAS SO COOL!

And about YouTube, my channel name will be Megumi Raven. So on the 20th, you can head over to there and watch some stuff and.... SEE WHAT I LOOK LIKE!

Thanks for reading this super random chowder. That was supposed to say chapter but I don't want to change it. Should I even edit this? No no, I will.

Kay thanks, byeeeeeeee!!

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