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"Make me."

His hands grab my hips, and he pulls me forward. Slightly shocked at his reaction, I gasp, and in response I feel his grip only tighten.

"I said, get off my desk this instant. How dare you make me repeat myself."

Unable to form words, I attempt to keep my eyes glued to his dark ones.

"Where have your smart little remarks disappeared to now Miss L/n?"

I look down at his hands for a split second. When my eyes meet his again, he raises an eyebrow, his hands travelling upwards securing them around my waist, and pulling me even closer into him. His tight grip sending butterflies and shivers through me at the same time.

He leans in close, his lips almost brushing against my left ear, his thumbs digging into my sides harder as he whispers.

"I am your professor. Your pathetic thoughts of fantasy are of no meaning to me."

Thoughts?- Oh of course. Legilimency.

"Well, professor. I hate to break it to you, but it really doesn't seem that way right now," I say in a quiet yet confident tone, placing my hands against his chest, as if to push him away, but for some reason, I don't push, I just let my hands remain there.

As my fingers play with his top buttons, his hands press tighter against my body, earning, from me, a gasp in an attempt cover any sort of moan.

The moment is silent in words, and endless for the second it lasts until so conventionally, as if the person writing my story had no other ideas but to cut off this perfect moment with an oh so original knock at the door.

And in an instant quicker than the moment itself, he pulls me forward, off his desk, his hands still on me for a second longer than they perhaps needed.  off his lingering touch and backing away quickly. He does the same, yet his entire expression seems as though not a thing happened.

"Enter." He speaks, his voice louder, sending shivers through my body. "Get out." He says just above a whisper to me, his eyes glued on the door, refusing to make contact with mine. I blink a couple of times, as if to see if I am dreaming or something.

"Professor Snape, may I have a word?" I hear the irritating voice of Pansy speak from the doorway.

"GET OUT." He raises his voice at me, causing me to jump slightly. "Unless you want me to consider removing you from the course for good." His voice still firm.

"Whatever." I mutter under my breath, before practically storming out of the classroom, shoving past Pansy, whose smile I wipe off her face, her smile at Snape telling me off, though I can hear her whining from halfway down the corridor.

As I strut through the corridor, my mind completely focused on Snape and his confusing actions, angered by them, I do not see the man walking in my direction - who I crash into, falling backwards.

However his hands steady me by clasping around my wrists, and pulling me upright. I look up, apologising continuously, until I see that it is Mr Malfoy, and I almost freeze in his grip. After the time I shouted at him for how he treated Draco, I hadn't seen him properly, and there was no doubt that his eyes were still full of anger.

"Y/n." He muses, looking down at me, his eyes travelling all over my body. "Is this what you wear to school?" He drops one hand of his, however both my wrists still remain in his grasp, and he pulls on the hem of my short skirt. "Tsk Tsk. This fabric is feeble, and the length - Lord, do not even get me started on that." His tone almost sarcastic. When he lifts the bottom of my skirt, he sees the lace trim of my sheer stockings, that he gently caresses. "Such a pathetic excuse of a uniform. To whom may I make a complaint?" He says just above a whisper, as a smirk plays on his lips.

"The headmaster, obviously." I respond, my mind still focused on Snape.

"Are you trying to be smart with me, young lady?" He pulls me forward, so I stumble slightly but am still held by his strong hand.

"Oh but Sir, I do not have to try," I speak, as I bite my bottom lip to hide my forming smile.

He scoffs, letting go, and pushing me back slightly, but somehow I do not fall.

"I am here to pass on a message from our Lord."

Oh this again.

"Well Mr Malfoy. I am here to receive the message." I mimic his assertive tone.

He simply raises an eyebrow, and reaches into the inner pocket of cloak, however pulls out nothing. Instead, he takes his wand from his cane, and holds it to me.
He presses it against my abdomen, just below my ribs, and pushes it so I back into the wall behind me. He pulls the wand up, slowly, up the middle of my chest and I gasp at the profound touch.

"You dare undermine me girl, I have warned you once I shall not do so twice." He speaks, as he draws the wand upto my neck. Where he digs it in slightly, and the 'message' he was meant to give, travels through my blood and my body, whispers of His name, curses in latin, the forbidden words of the wizards and witches. I cover my ears as if to stop the noise, but it does nothing of the sort and I rest against the wall for minutes until it passes. Mr Malfoy does not move either, his eyes on me the entire moment. I want to scream for it to stop, but I know it will do nothing, the mark on my arm burning.

What felt like an eternity after, it finally passed, and Mr Malfoy left me with a task unimaginable.

"Pass the message on to Draco, darling." His words to me as he departs, a knowing smirk playing on his lips as he knows fully well the challenge it would be for me, especially as I know both the practically unbearable pain it caused, and the consequences if I do not comply to his wish. Him, Mr Malfoy, I fear not as much as the Lord himself, and the dark Lord's punishment for refusing my superior would be unimaginable.

I begin to walk off in the opposite direction, which just happened to be back in the direction of Snape's classroom.
For some reason, I could not help the tears from slipping, maybe they were from the curse-message thing, maybe from Snape, maybe from Lucius I had no idea. But I wiped them away faster than they fell.

"Miss L/n?" He spoke as he walked out his door. He immediately catches sight of my hand that covers my neck, his eyes drawn to it like some magnetic force.

"Hiding something?" He speaks quietly. "Move. Them." His tone commanding. I take in a deep breath, unable to refuse him, too weak in this moment to refuse him. His commands.
I squeeze my eyes tight, and I feel him step towards me. His hands brush over the burn mark on neck, my body jolts at his touch, and I step back. But he pulls me back forward, his hand around my forearm, holding my close against him as his fingers trace the stinging lines on my neck. Brining an unwarranted feeling, and the emotions within me run wild.

HEY READERS LOVE U LOADSso sorry for the crappy updates i'm busy but i've had this chapter as a draft for a while (i just coudlnt finish it!! hopefully i'll have more inspiration- hope ur all doing wellll xxxxxxxxxxxx love bonnie x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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