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A week had passed, and lessons were hardly bearable, but at least Draco and I were back to friends again.

"Miss L/n. I see your lack of attention is now of regular occurrence, and despite precautionary measures I have taken, you still remain unable to concentrate on me for more than half a minute."

Actually, Sir, you are the reason I cannot concentrate.

"I-I'm sorry Professor. It won't happen again." I say quickly, avoiding eye contact.

"You'd better hope not, or I will have no other choice than to inflict a harsh enough punishment on you." He sneers.

Tie me to the bed, love. That should work perfectly.

My eyes widen in shock at my own branching thoughts from his statement; and I bite my lip to stop myself from smiling at my so inappropriate yet necessary thoughts.

He suddenly turns away, and resumes teaching about something I certainly, now more than ever, could not concentrate on.

I just need a minute or so to regain my sanity.

"Sir," I interrupt, putting my hand up. "Can I please go to the toilet?" I ask, hoping my interruption will annoy him slightly.

"If you must L/n. But do not bother returning."

"What? But there's still like half an hour left of the lesson yet Sir." I say, confused by his words.

"Yes, well I think everyone in this room, including me, would benefit from your lack of presence." He says, not gazing up from the book in his hands.

"Oh, erm - okay then." I say quietly, kind of hurt by his words. I pack up my things, and leave the classroom, exchanging a slightly surprised look with Draco. He returns with a 'That was so your fault' look, and I roll my eyes at him before leaving.

I feel a mixture of emotions as I wander through the deserted corridors of the castle. Why did he make me leave? Does he really hate me that much? I thought we were starting to well, get on well. I thought he was starting to warm up to me. Maybe I was wrong, reading into things too much.

I know this wasn't rejection, like officially, but it felt as though it might as well have been. I feel myself now so overworked by my emotions, I could cry if I wanted to. But I didn't want to.

Maybe he's just in a bad mood. Perhaps I could ask him about it? Or leave him alone. If I go and talk would I scare him off even more? Or maybe -

"Ah, Miss L/n, what are you doing wandering the corridors?" I hear a soft Scottish voice call from behind me.

"Hello Professor. How are you?" I ask sweetly.

"Hmm, good, good, yes. Shouldn't you be in class?" She asks, looking down at her small, vintage watch on her wrist.

"Erm, yes, basically Professor Snape kicked me out. And I obviously didn't want to argue or anything cause like he's a teacher so I just left. But i've never been kicked out of a class before, so I was going to go to the common room or something." I quickly reply, playing with my fingers awkwardly.

"He asked you to leave? That's unlike Severus. Usually he tends to let his bad students suffer extra hours with him in detention. And you're hardly a bad student" She expresses quietly, her expression rather shocked.

It had finally clicked. He didn't want to spend any more time in my company. He'd actually rather me go as far away from him as possible.

"Yea, it's unlike him." I mumble in response, hurt slightly.

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