Chapter 6 - Breakfast and Break-everything-I-have

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When I open my eyes the next day, I take a moment to realize what happened last night. The sunlight is shining through under my curtain and I slowly gain conciousness. Loki ... a seventh stone ... a lot of different feelings ... and the sudden urge to fix everything with a cup of tea. Well, it does help sometimes.
I yawn and look at my alarm clock. Eight o'clock. And that with me staying up late.
I wont be able to sleep anyway, so I get up. The first thing I do is go to the living room, open the door as quietly as possible and take a look inside. Loki lays on the sofa, arms stretched upwards, with his hair curly and scattered messily around his head. I smile and close the door again. Do gods even sleep? They have to, right? Maybe out of fun. But this is the first time he really has to sleep. He will probably be very hungry when he wakes up.
I hop into my clothes and set the table. I have heard that Loki likes chocolate, so I put the Nutella on the table and make some cacao. As I put the last mug on the table, the door to the living room opens.
Loki steps into the kitchen, his hair still messy and his face looks tired, but he wears his armour and that alone makes him look like a god. A tired god, but a god.
"Morning", I say with a smile.
"Morning", he answers surprised. "Did you ... make this?" Loki points at the breakfast.
I can see the thoughts slowly going through his head. "I mean ... even after we argued last night? I thought you would toss me out."
I glance over the table. "Well ... I thought that too from time to time. But the fact that you didn't kill me until now may mean we could get along a little longer, right?"
Loki raises a brow.
I sigh. "That means I have decided to protect you because I sort of like you. Now sit down."
He smiles and seats onto his chair. He looks over the table. Then he unerringly grabs the Nutella.
I grin and start to eat too. We eat silently while every one of us dwells on their own thoughts. I wonder why I am in such a good mood today, despite having a villain in my kitchen, it somehow doesn't impair my mood. But I really don't know why.
"Do you have to work today?", Loki asks eventually.
"No, it's Sunday", I reply. "Most midgardians don't work on weekends."
"Hm", he says and chews his bread.
"But I will shower when I finish eating", I say. "Should I give you one of my books or something?"
Loki shakes his head. "Wont be necessary."
I stop eating. "Do you want to go?!"
He smirks. "No. I just can occupy myself."
I watch him sceptically. "Okay", I reply. I think about telling him to don't break anything, but I stop myself. I shouldn't be so concerned, my house will still stand with me being in the shower for half an hour after all.
We finish our breakfast and I go into the shower. Loki still doesn't tell me what he is about to do, but whatever. I relax perfectly under the water jets and the minutes go by. As I step out of the shower and start to dry myself, I hear a loud bang. And it is so much louder than Loki hitting the table yesterday night.
And then I hear his voice. "(Y/N)!", he hollers. "(Y/N), we need to -"
Another loud bang. It sounds like someone is breaking into my frontdoor!
I start to hurry and try to jump quickly into my clothes. "What is it, Loki?", I ask and hope it isn't something bad.
"It's something bad!", he screams. "The Avengers, they - I -"
Oh no. "Coming!", I call back. Now I am fully clothed.
And as soon as I grab the door handle, the door opens and Loki runs into the bathroom.
"Loki!" I can't help to be indignant.
He looks at me and lays a finger onto his mouth. I notice he holds both his daggers in his hands. "Shhh! We have to flee, they will find us!"
"I -" Another noise of something breaking interrupts me. It sounds like the Avengers have broken successfully through the frontdoor. "Well, okay", I say as I look around us. There is just the bathroom window facing the garden. "Ridiculous. But the only way out is this."
Loki doesn't even complain and that tells me it really is serious. As I help him climbing because the window is small and pretty high up the wall, I ask: "Now tell me, why on earth are the Avengers breaking into my house?!"
"Uhm", Loki pants as he pulls himself up and sticks his head outside, "I needed to find my daggers. I can't leave without them and I can't summon them."
"So let me guess, you went into the forest again?", I hiss as I climb up after him.
"I did", he responds stubbornly and falls into my garden. "And I found them."
I reach the windowsill and grab the hand he is stretching out to me. "Great", I say. "And the Avengers found you."
"A small price to pay for these." He admires the daggers.
"A small price? They are blowing up my kitchen!" I hear another bang.
"Loki, show yourself!", Iron Man shouts in the distance.
"Quick, what do we do?", Loki says and looks around.
I fall down next to him and get up. "My car", I say. "We have to get out of here."
I grab his arm and pull him in the right direction. We run stooped so nobody from inside the house can see us. I catch a look at my broken frontdoor.
"They will pay for that!", I whisper angrily.
We finally reach the car. I jump in, Loki gets in on the passenger side.
"Put on that seatbelt", I growl.
He looks at my facial expression and puts it on.
I step on the gaspedal and the car starts moving rapidly. As it starts, a lighting forms in the sky and hits my house.
"Thor!", I yell. "I wanted to live there!"
And with that sentence, I lose sight of my house and drive off as fast as I can.

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