A/N - Closing words

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Hey guys!

It's me. The writer of this story. This is my very first longer Loki-fanfiction, I really hope you enjoyed it! I don't know if I will rewrite it someday, probably not ... I don't know.

Even if my time spend in this fandom is not very long (just roughly six months, not much compared to some of you guys), I tried to make things a little better than Marvel. Well, some things. I tried to make Loki act at maximum capacity, like using his powers to his fullest - I know I didn't succeed (very hard to portray in text), but maybe I gave you an idea of what he could do. It always annoys me when Marvel makes him less than he actually is. Just look at his powers!

Anyways. I hope you had fun, this fandom needs more happy stories! Feel free to comment, I really like the friendly community here on Wattpad and would be happy to speak to some of you.

Have a lovely day! Lot's of Loki-love from me!


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