Chapter 19 - Fighting the Avengers

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We wheel around. One security guard already stands there, his pistol pointed at us, while others are storming into the room.
"Don't move!", he barks again.
Loki and I exchange a look and slowly raise our hands. The gesture is a bit unflattering, regarding that Loki still holds the shining cube.
"What do we do?", I hiss in his direction, covered by the sound of the pattering of the feet of more security people.
"We don't wait until it gets worse", he responds. "Do something!"
I throw another look at the situation and decide quickly. I cast the explosion spell on a pistol the security man in the middle is holding. It explodes, the blast throws people at the walls and beclouds the view at the same time.
Loki and I start to run. He holds the cube tightly to his chest while he pushes security guards out of the way. Some fall and some even take others with them. In the general chaos I follow Loki closely, kicking a shin in the process. I feel satisfied as I hear a muffled scream.
We run into the corridor, still secured by the fog the explosion caused. After a few seconds, I hear people loudly following us. We hustle through the building and jump through walls what gives us a slight advantage towards our haunters.
Finally we almost fly through the wall that leads us onto the sidewalk. The sun blinds us for a moment, then we pull ourselves together and run over the street, shoving scolding people out of the way.
"We are safe for now!", I call.
"Don't ever -"
But Loki can't finish. A window smashes above us, and while glass splinters rain down on the screaming people, Iron Man dives from a higher floor down to the street.
"Oh shit!", I exclaim and we duck behind a car.
Iron Man stretches out his hands and laserlike yellow blasts come out of his palms. The car explodes and we jump aside, hands on our ringing ears.
"Listen!", I yell at Loki over the clamour while pushing him against the wall of the next house. "I have a plan. You take this-", I point at the cube, "and get your powers back. Until then, I will distract them!"
"How -"
"Look!", I say and cast an illusion spell. Loki's form shimmers into mine and he seems to hold nothing, while I shimmer and turn into Loki. I examine the false cube in my hand.
Loki's eyes get wide. "Listen -"
"Now get off your tush and get your powers back!", I scream while I run in the opposite direction.
I can't hear him anymore because another beam of light misses me by centimeters and blasts a crater in the concrete wall behind me.
I throw a look over my shoulder. Iron Man stands in the middle of the street and fires another blast.
"Stark!", I curse while I use my magic to catapult me a few meters further. I use the flying spell which makes me do a flawless frontflip before falling onto the sidewalk. I land on my knees, curse again over the pain coming from my kneecaps and hands and bob up. I hide behind a car again just to see Black Widow standing in front of me.
"Hello, Loki", she says and smirks. Then she runs over to me, and while I screech very un-loki-like, I blow up the tile of the sidewalk she is running over. It catches her off guard and while she does a somersault to dodge it, I submerge from her view and run across the street.
"Come on, Loki", I hiss between clenched teeth, "it can't be that hard to burst that glass case!"
I feel wind next to my ear and shriek as I see a massive hammer flying past my head, missing it just barely. "Thor!", I yell out in panic. In my distress I create a whole bunch of illusions, making about twenty Loki's that run around rashly.
As I reach the other sidewalk and throw another look over my shoulder, I see that it works. Tony and Natasha both run after a wrong Loki, and I pray that Captain America, Hawkeye and Hulk are too, if they are even here.
"Didn't remember you as such an easily scared person, brother", I hear a booming voice in front of me.
I flinch and turn my head.
Thor stands there, with his muscles and unmovable figure blocking my way like a boulder.
I stare at him in shock.
He chuckles and sighs. "Always the one causing trouble, are we? And always in New York. But we have to stop you, brother."
I take a step back. Before Thor can throw his hammer, a strong grasp grabs me at my neck and throws me at the hood of the next car.
I screw up my eyes and blink the tears away that are caused from the stinging pain at the back of my head. Natasha stands there, holding me down, while Tony removes his helmet. Thor walks up to us. I notice how all my Loki illusions are gone.
"It's over, Loki Laufeyson", Natasha says with her sharp voice.
But behind them all, a tall dark figure raises, the splinters of a once colourful glass cube falling through their fingers.
"If I only was Loki", I say and grin. The illusion fades and the Avengers look surprised into my smiling face. I see in Thor's expression that it's dawning on him.
"I think you are looking for me", Loki says, and with a mischievous smile his green magic blasts out of his hands.

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