Where is 23?

238 2 4

Everyone: *gasps*

1: What are you all doing here!? Do you want 100 to see you!?

10: 24 just-

1: Not now! 100 might come any-

100: (from inside the house) 1? Who is there?

1: (to 23 and 24) *whisper* Go!

Bella: 23 and 24 run and hide behind 100's house just in the right time as 100 comes out to check what was happening.

Everyone: 😬

100: What are you all doing here? And who crashed on my house?

21: Hey 100! We were... ummm...

7: We were here checking on 10 as she crashed on your house while rocketing too fast.

20: (to 10) *whispers* 10? You were rocketing.

10: Oh! *quickly puts on rocket gear*
(To 100) Uhh...yeah...and my head hurts.

20: 🤦🏻‍♂️

2: (to 10)*whispers* You have a helmet.

10: Heh... What is your house made of? Diamond? It literally broke my helmet. *breaks helmet*

100: Okay, cut the act. What is going on really? (To 1) Are you included on this?

1: Nope! I have no idea what is happening. 🤷🏻‍♀️

100: Someone please give me an explanation now!

20: It's such a pity that we have to tell you this early.

21: (to 20) What!?

20: You see, we wanted to keep it a surprise. But, we will tell you if you insist.

2: (to 7) *whispers* Is he actually gonna tell her!?

7: 🤷🏻‍♂️

20: We-

100: You know what! No need to tell me. You can keep your surprises until it's their time to come.

20: Are you sure you don't want to know?

100: Yes. And 10, go get yourself a new helmet.

10: Heh... Okay. 😅

100: Come on 1. Let's get back inside. *goes inside house*

1: (to 100) Coming!
(To 20) Good job! *goes inside house*

Bella: 23 and 24 come out of their hiding spot.

24: That was amazing 20! How did you do that!?

20: 100 isn't the only one who has secrets.

23: I'm sorry everyone. I am the one who led you to this problem. 😞

24: It's okay 23. If you didn't get into this mess, then I wouldn't have ever knew that I could do this. *flies with rays*

2: That is soo cool!

24: Yes! I am a Super Duper Rectangle!

23: *gasps* That is amazing! I wonder if I will ever re-figure myself out.

24: I'm sure you will soon.

7: How about we leave before 100 comes out?

21: Yeah, let's go continue our talk at my house.

24: Last one there is a... umm... a... bad dancer?

Bella: Everyone starts running while laughing, while 24 zoomed with her rays.

20: I will reach first!

2: No I will! Haha!

10: Never! *zooms by them as a rocket*

21: Hey! No fair!

Bella: 24 reaches 21's house first, obviously, then 10 reaches after her.

24: 7? How did you reach here already?

7: 😆

10: 🤷🏻‍♀️

Bella: Then 20 and 2 reach and 21 reaches last.

21: Oh great! Eh... I was never a good dancer anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️

24: Wait a minute! Where is 23!?

2: He got himself into trouble again!?

24: We have to find him!

21: We have to scatter! Look for him everywhere in Numberland!

Bella: Everyone scatter all around looking for the missing 23.

24: Where are you 23!? 😥

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