Chapter Seven

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While I waited for the concert to begin, my attitude about the entire situation seemed to change. Instead of being calm like Will and Adam expected me to be, I became even more pissed off but not at Janna, at Dan. Maybe it was right to be angry at him, he did pretty much call me a whore back there because of something Janna said. It was all totally uncalled for.

Before I could go back in the room to talk to him alone though, we were being rushed onto the stage once Grizfolk had finished performing and once they finished setting everything up. Dan turned to look at me as we waited off stage but looked away as soon as my eyes met his. I couldn't deal with him right now, like Will had said before, I would only get pissed off and that would prevent me from playing well. I'm pretty sure my focus should be on playing well, not Dan. "Kyle, I'm so sorry about earlier. I just-"

I cut him off before he could say anything else, pretty much eliminating whatever confidence he had before which I'm getting wasn't that much, he sounded incredibly nervous. "Just forget about it, okay? We have a show to do and I don't feel like dealing with you right now. I take that back, it's not just a feeling, I know that I can't deal with you right now. I want to go out there and have an A+ performance. If we talk, that won't happen."

I'll admit, I was probably being a bit too harsh to him but it all hurt. He believed some girl that we haven't even known for a day over me. He opened his mouth again to speak but nothing came out, he just let his eyes fall to the ground as he slowly shut his mouth. I turned away and kept my eyes glued to the stage, trying my best to ignore his expression and stepping out onto the stage as soon as we got the okay to.


The show went alright in my opinion, it wasn't the best but it also wasn't the worst. The entire time, I kept my eyes on the large crowd in front of us, flashing a smile at the fans every now and then while at the same time, ignoring the stares that I was getting from Dan. I only messed up a couple times but Cooper, our sound guy, must've heard what was going on and must've knew that I wasn't in the mood for all of this because he didn't yell into the ear piece like he usually did.

After saying our final goodbyes, the nine of us, since Grizfolk came back on for Pompeii, left the stage and walked back towards all the rooms behind the stage. I walked over to Woody since he was standing alone, "Hey, do you know if Dan is meeting fans tonight or is he just going to stay on the bus once everything's loaded up?"

Woody frowned in response, "Kyle, Dan really wants to talk to you and we all think that you should talk to him also. He feels terrible about what he said earlier and I...," he sighed, "You can't avoid him forever. You have to talk to him eventually, don't go out of your way to make sure that you don't have to see him."

Figures. Dan has probably talked to everyone by now to get them all on his side. "I can't avoid him forever, but I can sure as hell try. He should've thought things through before he opened his mouth because of something a stranger told him."

I started to walk away but Woody grabbed my arm and spun me around so that I was yet again facing him. "Fucking stop, alright? I tried to be nice to you but now this is seriously pissing me off. You're acting like a five year old. Grow a pair and go talk to him, he's trying to fix things and if you truly cared about him, you would go find him and work this out." His 'tough guy' expression suddenly left his face and was replaced by a softer one, "please just talk to him. We can't have this kind of conflict if we want the band to become even more successful."

"Well maybe that's something you should talk out with management. They added the conflict and we're," I stopped for a moment," I'm just finding a way to deal with it." I turned and quickly walked away from him. At first, I didn't think he wasn't right about anything he had said but as I let his words sink in, there seemed to be more truth to them than I once thought there was. Maybe I was being childish and needed to talk to Dan about all of this. That was the only way I would be able to fix all of this.

I glanced around the room until I saw Dan. He was sitting on the couch, staring down at his phone and scrolling every couple of seconds. I assumed he was probably on Twitter or Instagram but I guess that didn't really matter at this point. After taking a deep breath, I walked over to him, stopping once I was right in front of him. "You're right, we do need to talk and I'm ready to listen to whatever you have to say."

His eyes lifted from the phone and looked up at me as a smile formed on his face, making his expression looking a lot happier than it had looked when I saw him after the fight. His smile may or may not have caused me to smile. I guess it was times like this that reminded me of why I fell in love with him in the first place. It also showed me why I shouldn't let somebody like Janna ruin what we have. I loved him and from now on, I wasn't going to let anyone get in the way of that.

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