☁︎☘︎Panic Attack☘︎☁︎

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★♕︎TechnoBlade POV♕︎★

I felt myself wake up by the light that came from the window across the room.

I sat up from the sofa and streched a bit, I rubed my eyes and put my shoes back on.

I grabed my phone and checked the hour, huh, 7:30 AM, not that bad.

I finally got up and decided to go and check on Dream, he had fell asleep in little space, so there is a chance he might still be a little, or confused.

I ajusted my glasses and walked to his door.

It was slightly open so I decided to walk in.

I saw Dream on the end of his bed looking confused, so he's big?

"Morning Dream, sleept well?" I asked him.

"...It... wasn't... a dream....?" I heard his voice, I noticed his leg move anxiously.

"Bud, everything alright?" I walked close to him and sat besides him.

"T-Techno... You aren't s-supoced to be here...!" He tried to hide his face.

"What do you mean Dream?" I asked his as I rested my arm on his shoulder.

"You saw me... I... I was little... and.. and-" He didn't finish his sentence when his breathing became more unstable.

I realized he was having a panic attak.

I quickly kneeled down infront of him and took both of his hands.

"Dream I need you to look at me, can you do that?" He turned towards me with tears running down his face.

"Good, okay, I need you to breath with me, 1..."

I took a deep breath and he followed.


I let go of my breath and he did aswell.


We repeated the same proces a couple of times.

He was still crying a bit and I could tell he was still trying to calm himself down.

"Dream, can you tell me what made you panic?" I tried to speak calmly, I don't need him to panic again.

"Um... I g-got scared..."

"Okay, can you tell me why?"

"Um, because I first... thought I was dreaming... and that you weren't really here... but then you came in and I thought you were going to yell... or make fun of me..."

He seemed hesatited to tell me but I am glad he did.

"Why would I make fun or yell at you?" I asked him raising en eyebrow.

"Look at me Techno! I'm a freak! I am supoced t-to be an adult! N-Not a kid! And... and... I regressed..." Dream almost yelled, I let go of his hands and sat besides him.

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