☁︎𖦹❁Sleepy Time❁𖦹☁︎

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☀︎︎Third Person POV☀︎︎

A week later....


"Dream~" George's voice echoed around the big house.

Dream covered his mouth so his breathing wouldn't give aways his hiding spot.

He quckly hid inside a closet and waited quietly.

Fotsteps were heard from outside, he tried to push himself further into the end of the closet.

He didn't want them to find him...

Not yet...

"Oh Dream~" SapNap's voice became louder.

It only meant he was getting closer...

"Come out you little muffin head~" Bad sang as he opened the door.

"Dream~" Ant's voice echoes thrue the room.

Dream felt his heart skip a beat, everyone was now in the same room...

"Dreamy~" SapNap's voice was heard from outside the closet.

Dream watched as the door opened slowly...

He held his breath.

"Give me those little feet Dream!" SapNap yelled as he fully opened the door.

He launched himself towards Dream who squirmed around trying to get out of his friends grasp.

Dream became a giggling mess as Sap tickled every single spot he had.

They had found a couple of days before that Dream was ticklish.

Which they now used as an advantage, they had started the day with a regressed Drean who had not willingly taken them to his house, eventually they found out he hadn't eaten in all day, leading them the need to talk with him over how unhealthy it is to skip meals when he's big again, so they decided to challenge him, if they found him in hide and seek, he would eat without making a fuzz, and if Dream won, he would eat when ever he wanted, ofcourse little Dream doesn't really have a chance with big Dream's hunters, so the older men knew how things would go down.

SapNap finally had mercy over the little Dreamer and let him go.

Bad picked up the still giggling little and made his way towards the kitchen.

"Let's go get you something to eat little one" Bad smiled ruffling Dreams hair.

"NooOoOoo!" Dream giggled trying to sound either upset or angry, which honestly didn't seemed like either.

"But bubs, we made a deal remember?" George rubbed Dream's back, who only hid against Bad's neck.

"No nom noms..." Dream pouted.

"But nom noms are good for you!" Ant tried to reasure Dream with a smile.

Bad sat Dream on the floor and told SapNap to grab the bowl of fruit he had prepared earlier.

"Okay Dream here comes the birdy~!" Bad said moving a slice of apple near Dream's mouth.

Dream just started to tear up and Bad got scared on why was he crying.

"Bad- No birds they-  you just brought it up!" George hugged the crying little.

Bad felt guilty over bringing previous memories of his little feathery friends.


They had finally made the little eat a bit, and they must admit was one of the hardest things they had EVER done.

Something that made them a bit worried was the fact that the little seemed upset over the simple fact he had eated.

They were now in the living area were they had put on a movie to comfort the upset little.

George was in the kitchen making a bottle of warm milk for the little one.

He was a bit upset on over how distressed his friend had been over eating.

The bottle was finally ready and he walked towards the rest of the group.

He handed the bottle to SapNap who had almost begged to Bad to let him feed Dream.

He eventually gave in wich made SapNap a little to happy, Bad showed him the proper way to hold a baby and how to feed him.

Half way on the bottle Dreams eyes started to close slowly, SapNap took the bottle out of the littles mouth and remplaced it with a green pacifier that had a small dinosaur.

Bad went to change Dream into something alot much more comfortable to put him down for a nap.

Bad put Dream in his bed and ruffled the littles hair after giving him a kiss on the cheeck. (Platonicly)

He smiled from the door frame at the view of the sleeping little.

Bad went back to the rest of the group of friends and asked what were they doing.

"Guess it was someones sleepy time~" Ant chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, so we are still going to ask him about the eating thing once he's big right?" George asked looking at bad.

"Well yeah most likely, but let's not make it to obious, the last thing we actually want is to make him scared or try to aboid us" Bad told the rest if the group who just nooded in agreement.

They planed to offer some fruit in the morning when they usually meet up, and at luch offer to go and eat out, finally at dinner time hand him a small snak.

Ofcourse they had no idea over how the hoonk they would actually manage to do so knowing that Dream never really had time because that man just lived on training and they had no idea were to find him 88% of the time, but they cared of him, so the'll try their best.

They are a team after all!.



Hello! ^-^

Soooooo, end of chapter! I hope you liked it! And sorry it was really short...  TT^TT

Anyways, if you have any questions about little space/agere or the story, feel free to ask



Have a cookie! 🍪🍪🍪

Bye bye!


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