°-I can't sleep...-°

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Dream's family was away, only for a couple of days, but he still felt lonely, and he didn't wanted to feel like a burden to them all or make them feel like they can't have their own lives, so he tried to keep his mind busy.

Staring at the ceiling, forming imaginative figures from some of the cracks, listening to music from an old record played that used to be Puffy's, he enjoyed the soft tones.

He hugged a pillow, still looking up from his bed facing the ceiling, he started to think what he could do, mentally forming a small list.

Finally getting up, the first thing was to give patches food before moving to cuddle with her on the floor.

So he did so, just as if patches had read his mind, she walked up to him rubbing her head on his leg.

Dream chuckled; "well hello there pretty kitty, you hungry love?" Some might say it's cringe to talk to you're pets, but he strongly disagreed with them.

Truth be told, he had picked up on the habit of calling his love ones nicknames, mainly from Puffy and his brothers, at that included patches.

But he didn't feel guilty this was his little cat he was talking about, she deserves all the love she gets.  

So, turning up the volume on the record player, he proceed to walk downstairs to where patches food and water bowls were.

He poured her water and served her wet-food and let her enjoy her meal.

Walking around the house, he danced to the beat of the music playing from his room laughing around to his silly moves.

Bumping in to one of the many plants that adorned their house by Dee's request, he noticed that it could use some water, so he went around checking the plants of the whole house to see what other could use some water or new soil.

Humming to the music, he had finally finish inspecting the plants and now he just had to water them.

Apparently patches had ended her meal because she was following him around from plant to plant.

"You need something?" He asked his cat.

Soon, she started to climb on to the table, jumping on his shoulder.

"Alright pretty kitty you can stay there. Want to help me with the plants don't you?" Dream laughed as patches just rubbed her head on to his check.

"I'll take that as a yes." He patted her head and continued with his small "mission".

Time went fast as he noticed that the music from the record had ended, just in time as he water the last plant from the living room.

"How about we go grab another record huh?" He asked patches, who only respond with a small; "meow".

Walking to his room, he looked around his "playlist" to find one that suited his mood.

Finally finding one, he let patches on to his bed and proceed to water the three plants that lived in his room.

"I am finally done!" Dream smiled as he fell on to his bed.

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