-.Ill make it right.-

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.-Third Person POV-.

It had been a week since the whole manhunt drama, and it has been horrible.

Puffy wasn't around, so Foolish and XD took the role of responsible to take care of their little brother.

And don't get Dream wrong, he loves his brothers and is happy for the fact that he had both of them with him, but they can be-... too much.

They are obsessed with keeping him "safe" to a point where it's an exaggeration.

He hasn't seen his friends in a week! Sure enough- he isn't even sure if they are still his friends, they have came to his house to apologize just to be kicked out by both gods.

Sapnap tried to break in, he was successful- until they found out...

XD "lost" Dream's communicator, so there was no way in contacting them.

He was... Bored.

And it was about time he confronted his brothers, getting up from his spot in his floor where he was reading and headed to the living room.

Walking downstairs, he saw XD with multiple open portals, in his mind, it was basically programming parts of the "overworld" including their old house.

Foolish was in the sofa "reading" a book, he entered the living room failing to make his presence known.

He cleared his throat to catch the other's attention; "oh, hi buddy, ya' need anything?" Foolish asked not looking up from his book. Both him and XD knew what Dream wanted to talk about.

"No specifically, I want-." Dream smiled.

"Food? Yeah I could make you a snack." Foolish smiled not thinking twice and walked to the kitchen.

The smile disappeared from Dream's face in to a small frown.

"No- I just-." He started once more.

"We could probably get you something to keep you busy with." XD cut Dream off.

"No-!" Dream yelled stoping his foot, "My friends! I want my friends! Neither of you have let me see them! I can't even tell if they still want to be my friends because of you! You keep chasing them away!" Dream's face turned red from the yelling.

XD supported a lot of thing. But not yelling. It was something that always tick him off. "Don't raise you're voice child." Dee stood tall, their previous work now forgotten.

"I am no child! But you keep treating me like one!" Dream glared at his brother.

"You keep acting like one. You will be treated like one-..." a silent fell on both brothers "CAN'T YOU SEE I AM TAKING CARE OF YOU?!" XD yelled, eyes glowing neon green.

Foolish stepped in; "Enough, both of you, calm down, let's just talk. Understood?".

"...I just want my friends..." Dream looked down, not wanting to meet his brothers eyes.

"I'm going to my room..." Dream said leaving both gods standing there in silence.

"Did we... screw up?" Foolish asked now a bit concerned.

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