chapter 1 introduction

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Eve wakes up to hear her mother call her name. She groans and gets up from bed begrudgingly to change and start her daily morning routine which consisted of brushing her teeth, hair and going to get breakfast. Once she does that her mother says to her, "So, my little Evangeline has come of age."

Eve sips from her chai latte and says "Finally."
She asks "Can I start full-on training now? Or even better, get a mission!?"

Eve's mother replies "Soon, very soon."
Eve groans "You and Dad ALWAYS say that!"
Her mother replies "This time I mean it Eve"
Eve says sarcastically "Sure you do."

Her mother says "Now eat your breakfast, we've got a big day ahead of us."
Eve says "How so?"

Her mother replies "That's for me to know and you to find out."
Eve sighs "I hate it when you and Dad are like that, especially you."
Her mother smiles "Well, first finish your breakfast and then you'll find out," Eve says " Ugh, fine." She chows down her breakfast and then says "Ok, now, what is it?"

Her mother says "Well, come with us." Eve says "Us? Is Dad back?" Her mother nods just as Eve sees her Dad and tackle hugs him saying "Dad!"
He ruffles Eve's hair and says "Happy birthday Princess!" Eve cringes "I hate that nickname!" Her dad says "Ok then, my little warrior," Eve says "I guess that's mostly acceptable,"
Eve's dad says "Well anyway, let's go." Eve asks "Where?" He gives her a goofy smile, "We're not telling you, what I will tell you is-" her mom cuts him off and says "Shush Harold!" Harold replies "It's just minor Celia, what I was going to say is, that it's something you'll like."

Eve huffs "Fine, seeing as you're both not gonna tell me."
Her mom replies "That's right."
Eve's mom blindfolds her and Eve says "Oh come on! You and Dad won't let me see either!?"
Her Dad says "Nope, sorry sweetie."
Eve huffs "Fine."
A little while later they pull the blindfold off and Eve sees Frederick, a friend of her parents, and says, "Uncle Freddyyyy!" He laughs and says "Nice to see you again as well Evangeline!"
Eve says "What am I doing here though?"

Uncle Freddy then shifts a statues head and some Hunter weapons appear on a shelf. Eve asks "Huh? Are my parents here to get new weapons again?"
Harold says "Nope, you get to choose your first REAL Vampire Hunter weapon, my little warrior."
Eve says excitedly, "REALLY?!" The two of them nod and Celia says "Your the proper age now." Eve tackle hugs them saying, "THANK YOU!"

Harold and Celia laugh lightly and Eve asks "Is it ok for me to test each weapon first?" They all nod and Eve excitedly does so. After testing each one, she selects a Silver Crossbow that she shoots at a target in the room which she gets right in the bullseye and says excitedly "Yes!"
Uncle Freddy says "Good shot!"
She says "Thanks!"
Uncle Freddy then asks, "Where did you learn to shoot like that?"
Eve says "I've practiced in private."
Her dad says sternly, "Even after we told you not to?"
Eve gulps fearfully, but then Harold's expression softens and he exclaims, "I'm so proud of you!"
(Looks like the pic below)

" Her dad says sternly, "Even after we told you not to?" Eve gulps fearfully, but then Harold's expression softens and he exclaims, "I'm so proud of you!"(Looks like the pic below)

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