chapter 5 just a cover?

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Eve wakes up having realized she fell asleep and Celia waltzes into the room shortly after. "It took a bit of convincing, but we did it."
Harold walks in, "Pack your bags, you're going on an 'expedition' Evie."
Eve tosses her arms around Harold and Celia and says, "Thank you both SO SO much!" Eve adds, "P.S, stop calling me 'Evie', it's annoying and I don't like it."
Celia and Harold both say, "You're welcome."

Eve says, "Well, I better start packing."
Celia says, "You better, you have a month to train."
Eve asks, "What does the chief think I'm going out to do?"
Harold replies, "He thinks your tracking a Vampire and pretty much killing any vampire you find."
Eve says, "Damn, that sounds like fun!"
Celia says, "Even though this is just a cover mission, this is him," and she shows Eve a picture and Eve says, "Wait a minute, I saw that asshole!"
Celia asks, "Where?"
Eve replies, "He attacked the village I was at with some other disgusting Vampires. Any chance I get, I'll kill him."

Celia says, "Well then, if you find him, go right ahead, but we want you to prioritize the training you get. Do try finding him but no need for lots of effort."
Eve nods and says, "That's the first time anyone's told me NOT to put in much effort!"
Celia says, "We know, but there's a first for everything, but anyway, we have things to do." Eve nods and they leave so she packs up her things.

She heads for the exit gates and on her way, Flint stops her and asks, "Where do you think you're going?"
Eve replies,"Not that it concerns you, but for a mission."
Flint says, "Sure you are."
Eve says, "I am, its a track and kill."
Flint says, "Why do you need a suitcase then?"
Eve says in annoyance, "Because it's a long-running one obviously. What a numbskull," and she continues walking, ignoring Flint.
He continues stalking her.
She says, "Ok nimrod, what do I gotta do for you to shut up and stop stalking me?"

Flint says, " Tell the truth."
Eve glares, "It IS the truth numbskull!"
Flint says "All alright, fine then...." as he points to his cheek.
Eve says, "Dream on moron, dream on, not a chance."
Eve continues walking and tries shaking Flint off her tail but fails so she huffs, "Ok, you're not gonna leave me alone, are you?"
Flint says, "Not a chance, the Vampire your after, I'd rather be the one to kill him."
Eve rolls her eyes, "Not a chance, this is my target, my kill, not yours. Find your own."
Flint says, "You're gonna get yourself killed before you land a single blow on him."
Eve says, "You wish. I already interacted with him once, and look at me, I'm still standing, and yet no wounds."

Flint says suspiciously, "When did you find this guy?"
Eve says completely calm, "Last time when I went to get items from the forest. He showed up and I fought him, now get lost, Flint."
Flint shakes his head
Eve says with a smirk, "Ok fine, close your eyes."
Flint asks, "Why?"
Eve smirks, "You wanted a kiss, right?"
Flint says, "Oh ok!"
He does so and Eve laughs, mentally thinking "What an idiot!"
She then slaps him across the face and then kicks him in the groin and he falls to the ground groaning.
He yells, "EVEEE! You sneaky little B**ch!"
Eve yells back, "I told you to get lost, didn't I?!"

Eve runs off and not long after she's gone Flint mutters after he's up, "Should have known it was a trick, now she's gone way ahead. Damn that girl is fast!" And goes back to the village angrily.

Eve lets out a sigh of relief, "Finally, I thought I'd never get him off my back. I mean its kind of low that I kicked him in the nuts, but I didn't have a choice. I can't have him catching on to what I'm really doing."

Eve eventually reaches the wolf village after constantly checking that no one was following her. Once she knew that no one had followed her she goes in with her shoulder sling pouch full of things.

Cedric finds her and he asks, "So, Eve your already back huh?"
Eve replies, "Yeah, hope I'm not being a pain, except even then your gonna have to deal with me."
Cedric says, "I know, but actually I'm glad you are back."
Eve replies, "Well, thanks I guess, but why?"
Cedric says,"It's nice having you around is all."
Eve looks skeptically at Cedric, asking, "Ok, spit it out. You're acting a little suspicious."
Cedric says, "All alright, fine. It's chaotic here and I need all the help I can get. I also think Pappy is just getting worse."
Eve says, "That's terrible! Well, I'm here to help and to learn to control my powers before I kill people or something."
Cedric says, "Won't you get killed just for even being here?"
Eve replies, "Not if no one knows."
Cedric says, "You're taking a huge risk by doing this."
Eve replies, "Yeah, yeah. Tell me something I dont know." Eve rolls her eyes
Cedric says, "Well, what's your cover if you're even allowed to leave the village? Because obviously, you have one."

Eve says, "I'm supposed to track and kill the vampire guy that attacked the village and then murder any other Vampire I come across, so it's fun stuff."
Cedric answers with, "I don't know how you find that fun or where you got it from. Mom and Dad both weren't that way as far as I can remember."
Eve shrugs and says, "Don't we have work to do?"
Cedric nods.
Eve asks, "Also, who's gonna train me?"
Cedric says, "Normally Pappy would, because he taught me and we're both his grandchildren, but he is in no condition for anything of the sort, so I am."

Eve says, "Well, ok then."
Cedric replies, "But first, we've gotta sort things out and finish the repairs."
Eve says, "Then what are we waiting for?" Eve adds, "Let's get to work!"
Cedric nods and so they both head off to begin fixing things and regain order over the village.

A week later.......
You sigh as you look around the village. It has now been fully repaired and order has been maintained again.
Eve says to Cedric, "How in the world did we fix the whole village, just within a week?"
Cedric says, "That's what happens when there are a bunch of werewolves working hard and together."
Eve says, "I'm gonna go to sleep."
Cedric says, "There's no time to rest, we start your training today."
Eve exclaims, "ARE YOU INSANE?!"
Eve adds, "As much as I love to train, that's crazy!"

Cedric says, "Fine, tomorrow."
Eve blinks, "We literally just finished after a week of repairing nearly nonstop, today!"
Cedric says, "Either we start today or tomorrow, the choice is yours."
Eve says, "Alright tomorrow, it's nothing I can't handle."
Cedric says, "You'll be surprised at how difficult it can be."
Eve says, "It can't be that hard."
Cedric sighs and says, "You have no idea what you're signing up for, but you'll find out. For now, you should probably rest up."
Eve says, "No shit, you are not my Dad Cedric, so don't act like you can order me around."
Cedric says, "I'm the leader of this pack until further notice though."
Eve says, "I'm not part of this pack, so you can't order me around."
Cedric says, "By blood you are, and you're my little sister."
Eve rolls her eyes, "That doesn't mean you can order me around."
Cedric says, "Would you just go and rest?"
Eve rolls her eyes, "Fineee." Eve goes to her resting tent and mutters, "Bullshit am I listening to Cedric, I'm not even tired."
Eve grabs her crossbow, makes sure that her silver knife is on her, and then grabs her tool pouch. Next, she makes sure it's clear and then heads out.

She continues through the forest and follows the stench of Vampires. After several hours of walking in the forest, the stench grows stronger, eventually it is so strong that it's all she can smell. Eve mutters, "Ugh, dang, these creatures smell disgusting."
Eve pushes some branches out of her way and goes through some bushes, only to find a brick wall. She goes along stealthily, following the scent but being careful to pay attention to her surroundings. She finds a ginormous gate to the fortress and mutters,"How in the world did we never find this literal fortress?"

Eve mutters, "Let's find out what the inside is like." She throws a grappling hook carefully onto the walls. Slowly climbing up she eventually reaches the top. Pulling the hood of her cloak onto her head and covering her body so if she does get caught they won't know who she is, she gets to the top and scans the area thinking, "They have guards, hmm." Eve sniffs and says, "There are about 400 vampires at least, the one I fought is here too. He is in that castle, probably the king's best soldier too."

Eve hears some Vampire say, "I smell an intruder," Eve mutters, "Shit, I was too careless," as she leaps down from the wall and grabs her things running at full speed away, thinking, "SHIT!"
Having run a far distance and paying no attention to her surroundings she trips in the process but quickly gets up. She then realizes she's cornered, thinking, "Oh crap! I can't go out this way! I refuse to die here!"

To be continued.........

A/N: I will be trying to update once a week.
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