chapter 4 answers?

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As Pappy speaks, suddenly they hear a voice yell, "We're under attack!" The old man says, "We'll discuss this further once the attack is over and such."
Eve nods.

Pappy says angrily, Let's make these bloodsuckers retreat," Cedric and Pappy shift into werewolves and Eve says, "Well I can't shift, but I still have these beauties," as she puts her hand on her dagger and pulls her crossbow off of her back. Eve grins wickedly and says getting all giddy, "OH, this'll be FUN!"

Cedric says, "Ok, how is she so psycho murderer seeming and where'd she get that psycho streak from?" Pappy says, "No idea." Cedric and Pappy go out attacking Vampires. Eve goes out loading her crossbow and shooting nonstop arrows square in the hearts of Vampires.

Eventually, a Vampire man with dark hair and midnight blue eyes gets to Eve when she's not looking. He knocks the crossbow out of her hand with a gust of wind as he laughs, "What's a pretty little lady doing in a village full of mutts?"
Eve pulls out her dagger and says, "I'm not just pretty you know."
The Vampire says, "Still a weak little human nonetheless."
Eve says, "First of all I'm not 'weak', second of all I'm no 'human' you bloodsucking demon!" Eve growls, her eyes glowing and some kind of light or energy emits from her body. Unbeknownst to her the amulet fell off.
She realizes shortly after and scrambles around for it and just as she finds it and is picking it up the Vampire kicks it to the side and says innocently, "Oops."
Werewolf fangs and claws begin to grow from her hands and teeth as she is in transformation process and she kicks the Vampire right in the gut sending him flying into a nearby tree

The Vampire coughs and laughs, "I see, your one of those disgusting mutts too! It'll make it so much easier to kill you." Eve growls, "We're NOT mutts!" Eve snatches up her amulet nearby and puts it on as she lunges at him with her dagger and he says, "Oh this little mutt's a fighter," he pulls out his own blade deflecting Eve's blows.
As the metal of their blades clash, Eve looks him in the eye and says, "I'm only gonna give you one chance, you disgusting creature, leave along with your other demon friends or die, the choice is yours."
The Vampire looks Eve back in the eye and says, "I'd like to see you try. You're feisty, it's cute."
Eve sees the Vampires' eyes glow a metallic rusty red and sees a golden string of light of some kind reflect in them as they both have dropped their guards temporarily. Eve realizes he's distracted and stabs her knife into his gut.

He groans and clutches his side and yells, "Damn it!" The knife hangs there and he starts burning or so Eve thinks. Eve pulls the knife from him but suddenly he's behind her and just in a split second of time she turns around and he says, "You're fast and smart for realizing it was a little trick." Eve says "It was a copy of you wasn't it."
He grins wickedly, "Oh no not even. Actually it was just one of my associates."
Eve says, "Are you so much of a coward that you can't face me without using a human shield?" He looks at himself and says, "Oh look at that, you cut through my shield and managed to get me, what a ruthless, savage, and gorgeous woman, its hot really."
Eve says, "Shut up before I kill you asshole."

The Vampire laughs and says, "Well goodbye, my beautiful. Something tells me our paths will cross again." Eve says, "Oh no you don't! You're not fleeing!" He smirks as he disappears and he's gone in a puff of smoke. Eve groans, "Ugh! Shit!" Eve mutters, "But what's up with his eyes?" Eve shrugs and mutters with disgust, "Nevermind, chances are the filthy thing was going to bite me."

Eve goes to find Cedric and the old man. Eve finds Cedric helping the old man up and walks over asking, "Is he gonna be ok?"
Cedric replies, "Most likely, he's a tough old geezer."
Eve takes the other side of the old man and carries him with Cedric and they drop him off at his tent in his bed. Cedric sighs, "This is literally the second attack on the village in a week. Eve says, "No wonder the village looked like it did."
Cedric says, "Yeah, we were in the process of rebuilding it. Now all that hardwork is destroyed."
Eve says, "What if you move the village with the pack?"
Cedric says, "This has been our territory for centuries, not many would be willing."

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