chapter 2 first mission acquired

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As Eve and Flint trek through the forest track, Eve says "So, how have you been Flint?" He ignores her as he is chopping branches out of his path.

Eve says sarcastically "Wow you're such a great conversationalist and sooo very kind" she rolls her eyes.
Flint says "I am not here to be your friend I'm here to follow my orders."
Eve says "What crawled up your ass and died?"
Flint says, "Cut the snarky remarks."
Eve rolls her eyes and mutters "you've changed alot" Eve not watching where she's going, to irritated with Flint, nearly walks into a tree so Flint grabs her wrist and pulls her out of the way and says, "Pay attention to your surroundings!"
Eve says "psssht, What are you talking about, I was."
Flint says "Can't fool me." Eve rolls her eyes and Flint says "If you don't pay attention to your surroundings you're going to look like a prune."

Eve responds sarcastically, "You mean you'll feed me to the Vampires, that's nice to know."
Flint says, "shut it and focus on the mission."
Eve says "Ouch" as they continue.
Eve asks, "Do you even know where we're going?"
Flint says "Of course I do!"
Eve laughs "You don't!"
Flint says "of course, I do."
Eve laughs, "No, you don't, the oh-so-great Vampire hunter Flint is lost. Priceless!!"
Flint lifts his flintlock pistol and says "numskull"
Eve says, "Woah, watch where you point that thing!" Flint shoots and Eve flinches as a bird drops from the sky.
Eve says taken by surprise, "WHAT THE SHIT?!" Flint snickers and Eve makes a branch whack him in the head and glares, "Shut up, it's not funny!"

Flint says "It kind of is."
Eve says "Ok, maybe a little, but WHY DID YOU SHOOT A DAMN BIRD OUT OF NOWHERE?!"
Flint says, "A warning."
Eve asks, "Wait are we being watched or followed? I can feel it too, now that you mention it." Flint nods and says, "I think they've gone now."
Eve says "I think we found Vlad"
Flint asks "How so?"
Eve says "I can sense a presence. I think A Vampire."
Eve says "Behind you!" Flint quickly turns around and suddenly is thrown against a tree. Eve draws her dagger and swiftly traps the stranger in a headlock. Digging the dagger into their flesh, making smoke come off.

Eve looks at the person. "This is definitely not Vlad, but this is a vampire." Eve says "Even if you're not my target, you attacked me, say goodnight!" She stabs the silver dagger into the man's heart, making him dissipate into a pile of dust which she steps over and asks, "How'd I do?"
Flint replies with "You did ok."
Eve asks, "Only ok?" Flint nods to which Eve says "What'd I do wrong?"
Flint replies," You were too slow to kill him. You're lucky that was a low ranking Vampire because had it been a high-rank Vampire you would be Dead."
Eve says "Oh."
Eve says "Wait, hey!"
Eve decides to leave Flint's insult and continues following Vlad's trail and eventually catches a glimpse of something shiny on the ground. She crouches down and brushes snow off of it and sees an underground bunker thing and says, "I smell something coming from down here!"
Flint says, "Smell what? I don't smell a thing."
Eve says, "Your nose must be plugged then because it's a super-strong smell!"
Flint asks, "What does it smell like?"
Eve replies with, "Blood and people."
Flint responds saying, "I can smell it a little." Flint asks "And you're sure it's coming from here?"
Eve says "Yes, I'm sure." Eve uncovers the metal object completely and sees a latch which she lifts and pulls to reveal an underground hideout or something of the sort.

Eve goes down the spiral staircase inside, taking a torch from the wall and lighting the path. Eve says, "It smells like just about nothing but blood in here." Eve looks around once they're down the stairs and says, "Well, I found out why the stench of blood is so strong." She can see a few dead bodies of humans and says, "Their throats are slit. Why would the vampires slit their throat when all they need to do is bite them?"

Flint says, "Maybe some kind of ritual? I'm not sure. It could even be just to collect buckets or something with blood, you know, save it for later."
Eve says, "That's true, but if it's a ritual, what kind?"
Flint replies with, "My guess is some kind of summoning the dead ritual. It could also be they are trying to fill their storage with blood or they could also be doing it just for the apparent fun of it."
Eve says, "That's terrible if that's what they're doing!!"

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