chapter 9 the fortress

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Eve continues the trek and eventually reaches the Vampire fortress after chopping down some Vampires on the way. She goes into the village with no one making a big deal out of it even if it may be dark out. Of course, some Vampire men proceed to try and check her out to which she remarks, "Eyes over there boys," and she rolls her eyes.
Eve mutters, "What in the world am I supposed to do now? Oh, I have an idea!"
Eve thinks "Yes, that'll do nicely." 
Eve puts on a sad expression as what looks to be a butler walks over and says "You look troubled young maiden."
Eve replies pretending to be distraught, "I am sir, I need shelter. My house was burnt down by Vampire hunters so PLEASE help me, I have no place to go…" 
The butler says, "Well, we will never refuse a fellow Vampire, but we do need to get His Highness's approval. Come with me fair maiden," as he leads the way.
Eve smirks and thinks while the butler's back is turned. "My plan's working perfectly for now, anyway, it's obviously not going to be easy and go smoothly all the way through but this is a start." 

Eve follows the butler and eventually they reach a room that Eve sees has a large red walk-in rug on the floor leading towards an actual throne. There are some of which are most likely family paintings hanging on the walls lined with red wallpaper and golden lining. A few royal vampire crests hang here and there. Eve thinks "this place is obviously ancient, but it has a cool design, gotta give that to them."
The butler says, "Your highness, I do not intend to intrude, but…."
Eve seeing who the king is, starts thinking "damn it, how am I supposed to kill him, he's king and this guy is powerful?! What a drag!"
Eve sighs and mutters to herself only so she can hear "I don't mind a challenge, but really?" Thinking, "well at least it'll be fun." 
She snaps back into reality and puts on her helpless act again as the 'King' asks her, "What's your name fair maiden?" 
Eve thinks, "Yikes, not good! You can do this, remember your training!" She responds with, "Breanna IronRune."
The king says, "Alright you may stay with us, on one condition."
Eve says desperately "I'll do anything, your majesty! ANYTHING!" Eve mentally grimaces, disgusted with herself for this act. 
The king however says, "I need you to become one of my staff, that's all I ask."
Eve nods eagerly, excitedly saying while dying on the inside "Yes, si- your majesty! Of course! Deal!"
The King says, "Good, you start tomorrow and somebody will give you a tour today."
Eve nods "Yes, your Highness." The King says, "Good, you may go. Raphael for the time being show Miss IronRune which room she will be staying in." The butler who Eve assumes is Raphael nods his head. Eve gives a small evil smile when no one is looking and thinks "things are going so well at the moment, I've had to do so little myself."

Raphael says, "You may stay here until it is determined who will give you a tour." Eve smiles sweetly, "Thank you kindly, sir. Thank you so much!" The butler nods and leaves. Eve's expression turns to her regular one and she mutters, "Damn, I hate acting that way. It makes me sick." Eve shudders and mutters "disgusting." Sighing she says to herself, "The sooner I complete this mission, the better. Then I can drop this act that makes me sick to my stomach. The place itself even makes me sick. I'm surrounded by filthy, bloodsucking demons." 
Eve sighs again and mutters, "How long am I gonna have to stay here for? Probably a while since my target is literally the king. How am I even going to get the opportunity? I'm sure he's usually surrounded by guards or even if he isn't he doesn't drop his guard easily and he's powerful. 
I mean so am I, but, the odds are certainly not in my favour. I'm gonna have to come up with some kind of plan." The trouble is that I don't know this place or where the king hangs out. Oh well, if I get 'hired' to work for them I can find things out and have more access to different areas."

Eve hears a knock on the door and says putting on her act again, "Who's there?"
The person answers, "It is I, the king."
Eve lifts a brow and thinks "oh yeah, I totally believe you. As if the king himself of all people would be at my door."
Eve asks, "Who are you, really?"  
The person answers, "That is who I am, so just open the door young maiden!"
She opens the door a crack to see that it really is the king and puts on her act, "Oh, I'm so, so, so sorry your majesty!!" 
The King answers, "You should stop pretending young maiden."
Eve freezes, thinking "Damn it! I knew I wasn't great at this game of pretend."
The King laughs, "I'm kidding!"
Eve thinks "Wait, is he being for real? Because this act I'm putting on really does suck."
Eve laughs half-heartedly, "Oh ok, your highness." Grimacing mentally "if it was up to me I would not be calling a vampire of all things 'Your Highness' ugh!"
The King says, "Please stop with the titles, I don't like it in the slightest bit."
Eve thinks "that's exactly when I should do it. Plus, he's nothing but a target, as if I need to please him! I'd prefer to call him some other things than that but, you know, that would be unacceptable. This is a lion's den, except instead of lions it's the home of a satanic spawn called vampires."
Eve's thoughts are interrupted as the king asks, "Are you alright Miss Ironrune?"
At first Eve is confused about who that is so she remains quiet. She then realizes that's the name she gave him so she replies, "Yes, I'm doing wonderfully now!" 
The King says, "Well, I'll be showing you around the palace/palace grounds."
Eve nods, "Yes s- Your Highness."
The king sighs and says, "Didn't I say not to call me by my title?"
Eve replies still pretending, "I'd rather not Your Highness."
The king answers with an, "If you insist." Eve nods.
The king says, "Well, follow me."
Eve nods, although irked she hides it.

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