chapter 8

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Eve wakes up and sees Cedric doing his Alpha duties so she hangs around helping with what she can.

Eve goes to a building to get something when suddenly some man pushes her into the building, attempting to grope her chest. The man says, "I'm leaving so I thought to say goodbye."  Eve immediately knows who it is and says furiously, "GET OFF ME YOU PERVERTED MAN!" Throwing him off of her aggressively she kicks him in the nuts and Darren lets out a bloodcurdling girl scream.
Cedric, hearing this goes running towards the sound thinking it's his little sister.
Eve laughs, "I'm fine, that wasn't even me." Eve points to the man laying on the ground and says, "That was him, he was groping me, so….. I taught him a lesson."
Darren groans in pain and Cedric just shrugs, "He had it coming."
Eve says, "I knew he was a pig, my gut feeling was right."
Cedric helps Darren to his feet by grabbing his collar, growling "Leave, NOW and NEVER return to our village or I won't be so kind about it, this is my pack soon and I will not let you unpleasantly touch my sister or anyone else in my pack."
Darren runs out of the village basically tail between his legs
Eve says, "Thanks, though I think I could have managed it myself." 
Cedric says, "He wouldn't have listened to you simply because he's a prick." 
Eve says, "True I guess. Have you done your duties?" 
Cedric says, "Yes I have. Come on."
Eve nods and goes with Cedric to continue where they left off in their training. 

……….many hours later………..

Eve eventually gets the hang of relaxing herself and begins the next stage of training. Cedric then begins teaching her how to harness her power and control it.
After some time Eve is able to shift into wolf form for a few seconds eventually leading to about 5 minutes.
As its getting late Cedric and Eve finish training for the day and Cedric says, You're gonna have to leave real soon."
Eve replies, "Yeah, I know."
Cedric answers, "You're gonna have to train double hard with the bit of time we have left."
Eve answers, "I know and I intend to."
Cedric responds with a, "That's what I like to hear."
They head back to camp and all go to their sleeping place. Eve goes into the main building which was recently finished.
She heads up to the room she's been staying in and gets into her bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hits her pillow.

-------------------------time skip-----------------------

The time comes for Eve to return to Bellmore village, so she begins to pack her things. Once everything is packed she goes to find Cedric. Once she finds him she says to him, "I've gotta leave now bro. It was nice being here and being around biological family again but I have to leave so I'll be going."
Cedric hugs Eve making her stiffen up while saying, "Please, let go of me."
Cedric responds,"Oh right  sorry sis. You're probably not used to physical contact."
Eve says,"Thank you for stopping with that."
Cedric nods and says, "Anyway, bye little sis."
"Bye Cedric! I'll be seeing you yet."
Cedric nods replying, "Yeah if you ever need help don't be afraid to give a…. Well howl."
Eve says, "I won't."
Cedric says, "Good, we're a pack and we help each other out when needed."Eve just nods, picks up her things and heads for the exit.

  ……………….time skip …………………

Eve returns to Bellmore village and Celia and Harold rush over and say, "Are you alright Eve?!"
Eve replies, "Calm down I'm fine. What'd I miss?"
Celia and Harold look sad so Eve panics, "WHAT HAPPENED?!"
Harold says, "It's about Uncle Fred." 
Eve asks worriedly, "Is he alright?"
Celia sighs, "We don't know."
Eve questions, "What do you mean?" 
Harold answers, "We found traces of blood near the village and it's his, not to mention its a lot. However, we can't find his body even if he's been killed."
Eve yells in alarm, "WHAT?!" 
Harold says, "You heard us."
Eve asks, "How do you know it was his blood?"
Celia answers,"We found some of his things nearby and haven't seen him for a while."
Eve asks,"Why is no one looking for him then?!"
Celia replies,"We have been but we can't find him anywhere."
Eve sighs worriedly, "I hope he's ok."
Harold says, "We all do. On a different note " Harold lowers his voice, "How'd you know what go?"
Eve replies, "It went well. Anyway, I have to go report to the chief that I had a breakthrough in my mission." Before anyone can say anything Eve rushes off to report to the chief. Once there she goes in and the Chief asks, "How did the mission go?"
Eve replies, "I have accomplished finding the Vampire fortress." The Chief asks, "You did?" Eve nods and the Chief responds with, "Well, that's great news!" Adding, "I assume it was not without difficulty?"
Eve replies, "There was some near the end, but nothing too difficult. Vampires started attacking me, but I killed them." 
The chief says, "Well done, you are truly one of our greatest hunters. "
Eve bows her head respectively, "Thank you, sir. And sir, I couldn't kill my target. He slipped between my fingers."
The Chief says, "Very well, get him next time."
Eve nods, "Yes sir." 
The chief responds, "All right, you are dismissed." Eve nods and leaves.

Once she leaves she goes home where Celia and Harold sit and ask, "Did you accomplish your mission?" 
Eve shakes her head and responds, "I didn't kill my target unfortunately, but, I did find the Vampire fortress."
Celia remarks, "Well, that's a great achievement in itself."
Eve replies, "I also killed a few Vampires."
Celia says, "That's an amazing achievement!"
Eve replies, "Thanks!"
Harold says, "Hm, we thought as much that you did."
Eve asks, "How?" 
Harold replies, ''We found evidence of a Vampire battle and it looked like your style of killing vampires. Silver arrows for one and you are just about the only one who uses arrows."

Eve nods and Celia asks,  "How did it go with your training?"
Eve replies, "I already said it went well. I know how to shift now without going berserk, since I may or may not almost have a few times." 
Celia says, "Well that's good." 
Eve says, "Anyway, I'm going to sleep." 
Celia and Harold nod, "Us as well."
Eve goes to her room and goes to sleep.


Eve gets up from bed and gets dressed into her everyday attire following her morning routine and then heading out shortly after.bShe sighs as she waltzes around town and mutters, "I hope Uncle Freddy is ok."
Eve sees a gathering in the town square and takes a glimpse asking a man nearby, "Someone's being executed aren't they?" 
The man nods and Eve asks, "What for?" 
The man responds, "They broke one of the rules."
Eve asks, "Which one?"
The man responds, "Visiting family outside of the village along with telling the village secrets."
Eve says "Oh." She then looks to see who it is and sees it's a man she doesn't know and then walks off. She is not interested in watching someone be executed as it's a common occurrence.
Celia shows up and says, "The Chief wants to talk to you."
Eve nods, knowing better than to complain or argue, so she goes over to the Chief's office. "You summoned me, sir?"
The Chief says, "Ah, good that you are here." 
Eve nods and waits as the Chief states, "I have another mission for you."
Eve replies, "All right."
The Chief states, "I need you to infiltrate the Vampire fortress."
Eve asks "Me?" The Chief simply nods.
Eve comments, "Not to show any disrespect sir, but are you sure I'm the one to choose? The target will recognize me and all."
The Chief responds, "That is why you will be disguised as one of them and you will send us messages on the vampire's plans through the messenger pigeons. You will also need to kill the same target once and for all."
Eve nods saying, "Yes sir." 
The chief orders, "We are not sure how long we'll have to keep you there but we will let you know when you must return. Celia and Harold know of the plan."
Eve bows her head and says, "Yes sir."
The Chief directs, "You're dismissed." With those words Eve leaves and goes home to find Celia and Harold waiting for her. As Eve enters the room, Celia sighs, "I wish we didn't have to send you out on a hard mission so soon after you've returned, but we have no choice on the matter, so let's get you ready."
Eve nods and so Celia begins getting Eve ready. In a bit Eve is done so she questions, "Are you sure they won't recognize me? It's not much of a change."
Celia answers, "Not with this" as she sprays perfume over Eve saying, "There."
Eve asks, "What in the world is this supposed to do?"
Celia replies, "It's a perfume that's similar to a potion. It's an illusion perfume exclusively from our village to which outsiders will see you as a Vampire and add in a different appearance as well and voila! Though don't forget to reapply every 48 hours or so. This potion has been around more or less recently or a decade ago, it's also scented to smell like strawberries."
Eve says, "Well then, I guess here goes. I guess I'll have to be off then."
Celia sighs, "Be careful Eve."
Eve replies, "I will don't worry."
Harold adds, "Watch your back, don't trust the vampires and most importantly remember your mission."
Celia adds, "See your mission through, as well as remember the training over the years. Don't let your emotions interfere. "
Eve replies, "I know, I'll see you both when I get back." Harold and Celia nod.
Eve takes her leave and begins travelling towards the Vampire fortress.

To be continued…..

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