chapter 6

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Eve gets up and thinks, "Oh crap! I can't go out this way! I refuse to die here!"
As the Vampires corner her, one of them says, "Would you look at that? The intruder is a human."
Eve growls, "I'm no human and you should watch what you say about humans. There are plenty better than you filthy vampires!"
Eve pulls out her silver knife, secretly hidden in her sleeve, and swiftly stabs it into one dude's heart and he immediately turns into a pile of dust. The other Vampires surround her close in on her and so she fights them. She kills a couple but realizes there are too many for her alone and thinks, "Damn, 2 vampires are easy but a whole 5 isnt!"
Eve mutters, "If only I could shift already, but I have no idea how!"

Eve grabs a Vampire and tosses him into a tree, causing the Vampire to snarl, "Pathetic, you think that's gonna kill me?"
She grabs one of her silver arrows and tosses it at the vampire saying, "No, but this will!" Before the Vampire realizes, it pierces him through the heart.
Eve focuses on the 4 remaining vampires and says, "Damn, this is difficult." Eve thinks, "I'm not sure I'll be able to take them all out. I'm pretty much stuck in the position of self-defence."Eve mutters while defending herself, "Silver isn't the only way to kill them," she then kicks most of them to the side, sending them flying. "This is only temporary, I need to make this quick and this isn't my ideal method of killing them, but desperate times call for desperate measures, so here goes!" She grabs a Vampires's head and snaps it off saying, "I'm gonna throw up."

The other Vampires quickly swarm her, attacking her. All of a sudden Eve hears some person shout, "Enough is enough!"
Eve thinks, "Shit! I know that voice! Now's my chance!"
As the Vampires attacking Eve are distracted she rips another's head off and she stabs her silver knife through the rest of their hearts and they all drop dead or turn into dust.
Eve grins psychotically, "Ooh, my target has come straight to me!"
The Vampire says, "So, we meet again. I wish you hadn't killed them. Those were some of my best men. Oh well, they were always disposable."
Eve lunges at the Vampire and he chuckles, "You're a persistent one. As much as I'd love to test your strength I'm unfortunately not here to fight."

Eve says, "Then why are you here?"
The Vampire says, "I WAS here to call them back, but well, now that's not possible"
He shrug "Oh well, I was gonna have to kill them myself anyway, for leaving their posts and not listening. But you just took a workload away from me, so thanks for that."
Eve aims her crossbow at him and then releases the arrow but he poofs in an instant.
Eve groans, "Darn it! I was SO close too!At least there'll probably be opportunities in the future."

Eve says, "Yuck, I look disgusting. I'm covered in blood, ugh, I need a bath. A deep cleansing one! I look like a psychopath."
Eve begins walking towards the werewolf village but on her way hears someone coming so she readies her crossbow at the bushes rustling and sees a wolf with similarities to her and says, "It's you, Cedric, isn't it?"
The wolf shifts into Cedric and Eve says, "If you wanna lecture me, I'm not interested."
Cedric says angrily, "Where in the world were you? And WHAT happened to you?"
Eve rolls her eyes, "Not that it concerns you, but I went to fulfill my mission and if you must know I fought some Vampires and things got a little violent."

Cedric says, "Did you kill HIM, the one who wolfsbane poisoned Pappy?"
Eve says, "I would have, but the guy has some kind of teleportation ability, so right as I shot, he was gone. Unfortunately, this guy is not to be underestimated"
Cedric says, "Damn it!"
Eve says, "Definitely, but on the bright side, I found the Vampire fortress. Its how I ended up fighting them."
Cedric says, "You were still stupid to go out on your own, let alone without telling anyone. Not to mention, you don't even know how to control your werewolf abilities."

Eve says, "I'm not dead, now am I?"
Cedric says, "No, but you're covered in blood."
Eve says, "Oh, that's not mine. I mean some is, but the majority isn't."
Cedric says, "You're not indestructible you know."
Eve replies,"I know that."
Cedric says, "Then don't be so reckless or your gonna wind up being killed!"
Eve says, "I'll do whatever I need to, even if it includes dying for my mission."
Cedric says, "Well, I don't think you should, because you're my sister."
Eve rolls her eyes, "Anyway, why'd you come here?"
Cedric says, "The sun is almost up and you were nowhere to be seen."

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