chapter 10

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A maid with brown hair and blue eyes comes along a bit after the last person and asks enthusiastically, "You're the newbie aren't you?!" Eve nods shyly, putting on her act as the maid says, "That's great!" Adding, "Things have been mighty hectic lately, especially with the coronation preparations for the king." 
Eve asks, now curious, "Isn't he already king?"
The maid replies, "Yes, but also no." 
Eve asks, "How do you mean?" 
The maid answers, "I can explain while we work, there's too much to do and not enough time, so chop-chop young un!"
Eve nods following after the woman who says, "Follow me, little miss, I'll be showing you the ropes!"
Eve nods and the maid says, "The name's Ianora by the way."
Eve replies, "Breanna IronRune." While thinking, "Geez, this woman is… I don't know what."
Ianora offers her hand so Eve shakes it loosely. Ianora says, "Don't hold it like it's a dead fish! You gotta do it this way!" 
Ianora firmly shakes her hand and Eve says, "All right then."
Ianora says, "All alright, let's get things done." Eve nods, "Where do we begin, Miss Ianora?"
Ianora says, "We can start by checking up on the preparation for the coronation." 
Eve nods and lanora leads the way and she follows her, Ianora says, "All alright, so for starters check that the food is being prepared, that the guests will be comfortable, that the decorations are placed, that the guests have all been invited and well let's just start with that!"
Eve nods meekly. Ianora asks "You're not much of a talker are you young un?"
Eve simply nods thinking, "Not to the likes of you." 
Ianora exclaims, "Well that's alright then! You can just listen then!"
Ianora asks, "You know where things are, yes?"
Eve nods and Ianora exclaims, "Excellent!" 
Ianora says, "Well, then let's split up, we can cover more ground that way. For starters focus on the tasks I've given you. I've got other things to do yet."
Eve nods but then realization dawns on her, she doesn't know where to go! So she speaks up, "Miss Iano-" aaand it's too late. Ianora was gone in a flash. Eve cursed under her breath, "Damn it."

Eve waltzes through the golden accented hallway glancing at some tapestries hanging on the walls and mutters, "Well at least I can smell my way to the kitchen for starters." Eve pulls out her list of duties having momentarily forgotten about it and her expression falls as she mutters, "Damn." She pauses, "That's a lot, this is not how an assassin would ideally spend her time, but gotta fake it till I make it." Eve sighs, "Not one of my strengths, but I'll survive." She puts on a sarcastic smile and exclaims, "The worst that can happen is they murder me and then expose plans, so what is there to fear!" 
She mutters, "Well let's do this, I guess."
Eve continues reading over her list and sees there are locations yet and says, "Wow, whoever made this schedule sure was thoughtful."
Eve pulls at her face mentally saying,  "No, focus Eve focus, you're in enemy territory." 
Eve breathes in and out a few times and determination replaces her expression. "Let's do this."
Eve suddenly feels the impact of having run into someone as she was not paying attention. She looks up and her expression drops. 
It's the soon-to-be king! She exclaims, faking it until she makes it alright, pleading, "Oh I'm SO, SO, SO sorry Your Majesty, please forgive me!"
The King says, "I'll only forgive you on one condition."
Eve asks meekly, "Yes, Your Highness?"
He smirks, "Grovel at my feet." 
Eve, losing her cool, yells, "Say what?!"
The king asks with a grin, "What was that petal?"
Eve grimaces mentally and says meekly, "Y-yes, Your Majesty. My sincerest apology, Your Majesty."
Eve, although it kills her slowly, gets down to her knees to grovel and the king laughs, his fangs showing, "I'm only kidding petal!"

She gives him a forced smile "Oh, um sorry, Your Highness." Eve thinks, "Boy, he would have gotten a piece of my mind if I didn't have to fake it." The king offers Eve his hand which she reluctantly accepts and pulls her up. Eve proceeds to dust off her knees and gown as the king says, "I apologize, I may have gone a little far." 
Eve thinks, "Ya think?!" She responds with, "Oh it's all good Your Highness.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do."
The king replies, "All right, next time just watch where you're going, Miss." He takes Eve's hand and softly kisses the top of it.
Eve nods and gives him a forced and fake smile. She then speeds off to get to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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