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"So what are we making tonight Mark?" Y/n asked curiously as she followed closely behind him on the narrow sidewalk back to their apartment.

"I was thinking of making something simple again since we don't have too much time y'know?" He said in response as they reached the front doors to the building.

"And that is.." Y/n said curiously dragging out the end of the sentence as the doorman held the door open for both of them to finally feel the cool air conditioning.

"It'll be a suprise. I have all the things we need at my place so we don't have to go shopping this time." Mark said proudly as he pressed the button for the elevator, both of them soon hearing the cue that the elevator was waiting for them.

As soon as the doors opened Mark bolted out running at full speed down the hall to go and grab the ingredients.

"What the-" Y/n started, shocked before Mark dashed into his apartment. In about three minutes he came back with an armful of ingredients tapping the door with his foot trying to knock to let Y/n know that he was there.

Y/n's immediate reaction, going to open the door for Mark so that they could start.

"WOAH slow down!" You said as Mark rushed past you heading straight for the island, dumping all of the ingredients onto the clean countertop.

"Alright- let's start." Mark said trying to catch his breath.

"What are we making?" You questioned slightly puzzled after the vast amount of ingredients that Mark had brought over.

"We're making.... CURRY!" Mark said enthusiastically raising and shaking both of his hands slightly, making jazz hands causing you to let out a small laugh.

"Alright let's start then." You said with a chuckle as you went to the sink to wash your hands.

Mark and Y/n were cutting it pretty close compared to the last time when they had Tubbo over for dinner, not having time to dance this time around. The rice being just done when there was a knock on the door, both Mark and Y/n were sweating so much from the hustle and bustle in the kitchen.

"Hey Tubbo!" Y/n said as she opened the door to see her brother there. Just not the one she expected.

"Wha-" Tommy said as he stood in the door way.

"What- what are you doing here?" You said shocked, cutting him off.

"I sent a text to you saying that I was coming. Wa- was Tubbo supposed to be here?" Tommy stuttered out looking between you and Mark confused.

"Tommy? What are you doing here?"

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