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A loud crack was heard through the hallway before a wail was heard. Both coming from one person as he fell to the ground.


He was in immense pain, Mark managed to dodge the punch that he could sense coming from a mile away. Jonah's fist hit the smooth quartz that was behind Mark, causing his knuckles to crack. As well as some of the quarts chipping by the thin line of grout that made his knuckles bleed.

He got up completely swinging his arms around like a mad man. Missing Mark everytime from the mixture of tears and sweat that blurred his vision.

The security came up behind him quickly grabbing him and cuffing him in one swoop while Jonah shouted a string of curse words at Mark.

"Mr. Wilbur clear." You heard from the speaker of Wilbur's phone on his desk. Immediately running to the door to go see how Mark was doing.

You had been pacing back and forth in Wilbur's office for about a couple minutes, but it felt like an hour waiting for the security to come take his crazy ass away.

"Are you okay?!" You cried as you burst through the heavy door like a movie scene.

"Huh? Oh yeah I-" Mark started as he walking toward you from the spot on the wall that had been cracked.

"Oh thank God." You said cutting him off, and embraced him in a hug. "I'm so so sorry." You said trying to make sure that he was sure of what he was saying.

"It's alright Y/n. You're fine." He said softly reassuring you as you quietly sobbed into your hands.

He led you both back to your office to give you some privacy as you let out your emotions.

When you guys got back to your office he embraced you into a hug. A long hug. Where you sobbed into his chest for what seemed like forever.

You hated people seeing you so vulnerable like this. So easy to crack. However even though Mark had only been around for about two weeks, it's like he was your best friend for years.

He understood you, and you two just were like meant to be friends forever. Like soul mates. Platonic soul mates of course.

"How you feeling now?" He asked with a small reassuring smile.

"Better." You said with a smile and a sniffle. He grabbed the tissue box on the small snack table by his chair for you. "Thank you." You said as you moved back to behind your desk.

I'm glad she feels a little bit better now. Mark thought to himself as he went back to sit down at his chair. It felt nice to comfort her. A smile grew on his face, but when he realized he stopped and looked up to see Y/n smiling as well but she was looking at her huge computer monitor. I wonder what she's thinking about?

Damn he's so wonderful.

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