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The next morning the two kids got ready for school and left. Maya was staying with Fury and Peter was staying at his house. They were both called at the principals office. They both had to stay after school in detention because they missed two days of school without their parents knowing. Their last class was chemistry where Maya and Peter sat together.

"Can we talk?" Peter whispered

"I am trying to pay attention" she whispered back

"No you aren't, you hate chemistry" he said

She sighed and looked at him " alright what do you want to talk about"

P:"Let's make a deal"


P:"I have 30 seconds to ask you questions and you have to answer"

M:"20 seconds"


Maya took her phone out and set a twenty second timer.

P:"What's your real name"

M:"May Evans but i want people to call me Maya"

P:"How old are you?"

M:"I am 16"

P:"What was your mission here?"

M:"I can't tell you that"

P:"Come on you have to answer"

M:"You said i had to answered, you didn't say i have to tell the truth"

P:"So these were all lies"

M:"No. Okay my turn now"


"Why do you feel the need to know everything about me?, why do you want to know what my mission was so badly and why do you act like you care about me?" Maya said but with every question she screamed louder and louder forgetting she was inside a classroom. The class went quiet and everyone stared at the two kids. Then the bell rang. She picked up her bag and stormed out of the classroom. Peter followed her, when he caught up with her he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back while turning her around at the same time to face him.

"Just stop" Peter yelled

"You really want to know what my mission was?" She said with a shaky voice "You" "You were my mission" she added. While she said that her voice cracked.

"What?" Peter said silently.

"My mission was to get close to you and then kill you" she said while her eyes became red. "Are you happy now?, Is that what you wanted so badly to hear?"

Peter stayed silent, he didn't know what to say. He was her target. He didn't know what he was feeling. It was a mix of confusion, anger and sadness.

Peter's perspective

I let go if her wrist and turned around to go to the class for detention. During detention I was so overwhelmed with anger. I just wanted to break his desk into little pieces, that had never happened to me before.

(Remember the scene from the movie ;))

I turned around to see Maya who was sitting next to me, I saw her scratching her arm, I had seen her do that before. Maybe she did that when she was nervous or angry. She then turned to look at me too. We made eye contact, her eyes were red, her hand was also red from the scratching. She turned back to looking at her hand and scratching it. After few minutes she suddenly got up grabbed her bag and stormed out of the classroom. I went after her but she had disappeared. The i noticed blood on the floor, maybe it was from her arm. I followed the blood drops and i ended up in the bathroom, but she wasn't there. She must have gone home.

Mission gone wrong|| Peter Parker Where stories live. Discover now