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In the morning

"May, May, wake up" Tony kept shouting but every time he got closer and closer to her room.

"What?" May asked while rubbing her eyes and fixing her messy hair.

"Get dressed i need you for something in the tower" Tony said and ran back downstairs.

May slowly got out of bed and did her usual morning routine. She took a shower, she brushed her teeth, got dressed and brushed her hair.

(What you wore is at the beginning of the chapter)

She then ran downstairs grabbed a muffin and got in the car with Tony.

"So what are we doing at the tower?" May asked while taking a bite of the chocolate muffin.

"We captured a bad guy and we need some information from him so you are gonna read his mind" Tony answered. "I need you to do me a favour" Tony added.

"Yeah what is it?" May asked. She was a bit confused.

"Can you not talk to the rest of the team if you see them?" Tony said while glancing at her for a bit and then looking back at the road.

"But why?" She asked.

"Just answer with a yes or a no" Tony said. May felt weird. Why didn't Tony want her to talk with the team. But then she thought that he has been taking care of her all this time.

"Fine, but if they talk to me first?" She asked.

"Just make the conversation quick" he said and stopped the car in the middle of the street. "I know this seems weird but i have my reasons, and i just need you to trust me" He said while looking in her eyes.

"Okay, i trust you" she said while looking at him and then taking another bite out if her muffin.

When they finally arrived at the tower, Tony made her wait downstairs next to the car and he would come back and get her.

Tony went into the tower and into the room where the rest of the Avengers were.

"So i brought the person who can help us interrogate loki but you can't talk to her" Tony said.

"Em okay" Steve said while looking at the rest if the team.

"Okay go at the interrogation room. Me and my friend are gonna be inside the room and all if you are gonna be behind the glass" he said and left.

The Avengers went into the room and waited. Suddenly Tony passed by them, next to him was a girl wearing sunglasses. He was holding her arm, like he was afraid she would try to escape.

Tony and the girl walked into the room and stood infront of Loki, May took of her sunglasses revealing her face to everyone. The team was shocked.

May went and stood behind Loki, she touched his head and suddenly Loki's and May's eyes turned purple. After that Tony left the room and went with the rest of the team.

"What is going on here" Bucky yelled when he saw Tony.

"Why are you doing this, it's like you are trying to cut us off of her life" Nat yelled.

Tony nodded and looked at Nat who was clearly sad.

"You know May is like Morgan's sister, Pepper actually saw a dream of us four being a family. I care about May a lot, and i dont want her to turn out like me, fighting all the time and being in danger. I am doing what i think is right" Tony said in a very calm tone.

"But you brought her here, have you even asked her what she wants?" Bucky said in anger.

Tony didn't answer, he left and went back into the room. They waited for twenty minutes until May started to talk.

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