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In the evening after May had calmed down, Tony and May decided to go to the Tower. They got in the car and drove there. The whole ride was silent, May didn't want to talk and Tony respected that. When they got there Wanda was at the door and when she saw May she got excited, she ran up to her and hugged her. May hugged her back but not with that much excitement.

"Is everything okay?" Wanda asked, and then she saw Tony mouth "boy stuff" and Wanda knew what to do.

"Okay let's go upstairs and we can talk" Wanda said and pulled May by the hand. They went upstairs and into Wanda's room and sat on the bed.

"So want to tell me what's wrong?" Wanda said while pulling May's chin up.

"There is this boy in my neighborhood, and he asked me out once. I went but he was weird so i left. And today him and his parents came into our house to eat and he asked me to talk. I didn't want to go but his mum made me go. And when we were alone he pushed me on the door and kissed me without me wanting to" May explained and started to tear up again. "I know it's no such a big deal but i feel awful" May said.

"Of course it's a big deal, what he did is very wrong" Wanda said and hugged May very tightly. She then pushed her chin up again and whipped the tears off of her cheeks.

"But you are a badass and you are not gonna let a stupid boy bring you down" Wanda said with a smile. May also laughed.

"So i know it's not the right time, but is there someone else you like?" Wanda asked.

"Yes there is actually" May said.

"Ohh who?" Wanda asked in excitement. She loves go gossip so much.

Maya looked at the door and after she made sure no one was there she whispered "Peter". Wanda gasped and said.

"I knew it" she yelled with a big smile.

"Shhh" May said while laughing.

"I really like, but i am really confused because sometimes he acts like he likes me to but he has a girlfriend so i don't know what to do" May said while looking at the ground.

"He is a really great guy, but don't be sad over boys" Wanda said again to cheer May up.

"Okay, now lets go upstairs" Wanda said and pulled May from the hand. May got up and left the room with Wanda.

In the hall they bumped into Peter. He didn't say anything he just kept walking but he stopped when Wanda spoke.

"Is everything okay?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah, everything is great" Peter said and then left.

"Go" Wanda whispered at May and then let go of her hand.

May ran after Peter and ended up in his room. She knocked the door and waited for an answer.

"Come in" she heard Peter's voice say.

"Hey, is everything okay?" May asked while slowly walking into his room.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Peter said while sitting on the bed and looking at the floor. After a few seconds of silence he spoke again. "How's your boyfriend?" Peter asked while still looking at the floor.

"My what?" May asked in confusion and surprise.

"Your boyfriend" Peter repeated with an annoyed look on his face.

"Who told you i have a boyfriend?" May asked in confusion.

"No one" Peter said.

"Peter I don't have a boyfriend" May said and sat next to him on the bed.

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