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~ERMAHGERD I Finally am updatting! Sorry about the long wait guys I have been super busy with midterms and christmas and everything! On a good note I did awesome this semester and have a GPA of 4.345 which I am really very happy with! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! -Xx~


Gene -

             Alec's eyes met with mine, he just stared at me, willing me to back down or look away. Any sane person would have, he was an alpha for goodness sakes, but I didn't care the worst thing he could do would be kick me out of the pack. He had already rejected me and really the only reason why I was still with the pack was because of my brother, everyone else I could care less for. someone in the pack cleared their throat forcing Alec to break eye contact and begin with the meeting. He then said, "Hello everyone, I know you are all curious as to why you are here. I wanted you all to know that in a weeks time Andrea will be your official luna. I will be marking her and we will be having a ceremony." Ewww just the thought of him marking her made my stomach churn in disgust and my body tense up in anger. I shouldn't care but I couldn't help it. A young girl who was about 10 and a member of the pack then asked,

"Is Andrea your soulmate alpha?' She had a cute grin on her face. When I was younger I thought the idea of having a soulmate was beautiful and exciting, but Alec ruined that for me. I was excited to hear Alec's answer. He replied,

"Yes, yes she is." Members cooed as he looked at Andrea. She giggled and blushed furiously; I hated it. My wolf was angry, very angry. My eyesight turned red and before I knew it I stood up and stomped out of the house. I had lost all control of my wolf which was bad, especially when she was angry. Before I knew it I was shifting in the feild outside the house. I felt all the pack's eyes on me through the window. My bones cracked and my clothes tore apart. My body trembled in anger I tried desperatly to rein my wolf in but she wouldn't listen. She wanted blood to be spilt. I took off running into the forrest. I then sensed a buck grazing about a mile away. My paws brushed the rough dirt as I headed toward my kill. Pretty soon the buck was in my grasp and dead. The kill seemed to have really calmed my wolf, which was now drained of energy. I shifted back and sobbed. What had I done, how could I have lost control like that? What if that buck was a human? I knew I needed to head back to the pack house, so I shifted and made my way back.

When I got there my brother ran out toward me and yelled,

"Jesus Genesis! What the hell just happened?!?! Oh my god, is that blood?!?" I could feel the anger and worry radiating off him. "Go home, we are going to have a discussion when we get back." I dropped my head, turned and began to head toward my house.


I heard Andrew slam the door be hind him. "GENE COME HERE!" He yelled.

I slowly walked down the stairs ready to be screamed at but once down there I was ambushed by my brother with a hug. "I am so sorry for snapping at you earlier, I was just really worried. I am so sorry that you have to deal with this sis." He whispered...."By the way I talked to Alec."

With that I pulled away from Andrew, my heart rate picked up, oh god. Wait how did he even know what was going on? "Andrew, how do you know what I am going through and whats going on?"

He replied with a shrug, "You're my little sister and he is my bestfriens I was bound to find out."

"I guess you are right." I said, "Wait what did you and Alec talk about?!?!" I remembered. My heart once again began to beat like crazy.

"Well I told him that I knew Andrea wasn't his real mate and that I knew it was you. At first he thought you had told me but I told him you didn't have to. He and I just had an honest discussion and he told me everything that went on between you guys. I told him he was an asshole for making the decissions he did, punched him in the face and then left."

"You punched hime?!? Oh god.." I said rubbing the moist palm of my hand on my forehead. "But, he's your bestfriend Andrew, you shouldn't have done that for me."

"Listen Genesis," He said grabbing my chin. "I would pick you over him any day in a heart beat. Family comes first and all we have is eachother. I did it because I love you and I refuse to let any guy treat you like that, even my former best friend. I will always stand behind you. I am sort of hurt that you didn't tell me, but I will be fine, my feelings aren't important."He smiled at me, then wipped a tear from my cheek. Man I had the greatest big brother ever. "Bring it in." He said spreading open his arms. I ran to him and just let the tears flow. His embrace soothed me. He pulled back and looked at me, "you go get some blankets and pick a movie from OnDemand in the living room I will go make us some hot chocolate, pop popcorn, and get some candy. We are having a movie night and just getting obese!" He winked at me then headed off to the kitchen. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and grabbed just the most blankets and duvets as I could. I took them downstairs and covered the couch in them I flopped down and picked the movies Titanic and The Notebook because they are my all time favorites, then Insidious which is my favorite horror. Andrew came back with the food and drinks. he handed me my portion and flopped down on the couch next to me. I cuddled up next to him and started the Titanic. Throughout the entire movie I made death noises and cried a waterfall, the same with the Notebook. Andrew had fallen asleep partway through the Notebook, so when I started watching Insidious and scream practically through the whole movie he was no longer able to sleep. Once we had finished all of our movies Andrew and I fell asleep on the couch at around 2am. Andrew always knew how to mae me feel better and for a while there I forgot about everything that was going on in my life. I was glad to know Andrew had my back just as I had his. Knowing I had my big brother to protect me I felt alright. I don't know where I would be without him.

I was still fast asleep on the couch with Andrew when the loud, high pitched doorbell rang. Andrew being himself just snored through it. I decided I would go back to sleep just as I was going to close my eyes again someone rang the doorbell again then knocked on the door. I got up and glanced at the clock. it was 12:40 pm. I giggled, man I was still so tired. The person rang the doorbell again. As I opened up the door I said, "Well aren't you persisten-" I looked up only to be met with the eyes of...


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