Chapter 16

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The next morning I woke, still feeling groggy from the night before. My sleep had been restless and my dream was awful. After I woke up in the middle of the night last night and then lulled back into sleep I dreamt of my mother and Alec. It started out as a memory, I was little, about 5 or 6 playing out in a field on pack territory while my mom picked flowers. She had always loved wild flowers, she would collect them and make center pieces with them, flatten them and turn them into book marks, and my favorite was she would weave them into small little crowns that we would both wear.  I was rolling around and she was humming My Darling Clementine. She then sat down in the grass and began to weave a crown out of daisies. I ran up to her and sat down across from her watching in awe as her hands slowly weaved. Everything was perfect, the sun shined warmly on my shoulders and a subtle breeze caused my hair to lightly flow with it. "Momma, you are the prettiest lady in the whole world. Will I look like you when I grow up?" I said to her, her large grey eyes looked up and caught mine. She then gently put a crown she had weaved upon my head and swept away a stray curl hanging in my face.

"Oh my sweet Genesis, you will be far more beautiful." Her love radiated from her, her energy was luminescent. I loved her eyes in the summer they always got so much lighter. And, honestly she seemed to belong in the summer. The season matched her perfectly and because of that I always wanted to be a summer person too. I then looked up and the sun had disappeared and dark menacing clouds seemed to cover the surface. I looked down to the ground and the bed of grass I was sitting upon turned to dirt. The breeze had turned to a harsh and freezing wind. I looked to my mother, whom had pure terror in her eyes. "Genesis, I love you darling. One day you will be faced with an impossible decision, follow your heart but also be sure to protect it." She leaned forward and kissed me on the head before she was torn away from me by an invisible force that pulled her into a never ending darkness. Chills swept my body and then sobs. I was terrified.

"Momma! Momma come back! Momma help me, what do I do! Please, someone help me! Please!" I screamed until I could scream no more.  I looked forward and the dark was moving toward me, I was paralyzed with fear. The wind had chilled me to the bone and my body ached from sobbing. Before I knew it Alec had appeared, except he was not a child like I was in the dream, he was as he is now. He grabbed me.

"Come on Genesis, we have to run!" He swiftly started moving dragging me along with him with a firm grasp on my wrist. I ran as fast and hard as my body would allow. Stumbling along the whole time, eventually my legs could take no more, and they collapsed beneath me. "Shit." Alec whispered under his breath. He stopped and helped pull me up and started running again. "It's okay Gene we just need to go a bit farther, can you do that for me?" I nodded at him and started to pick up my pace. We ran for what felt like forever before my body finally gave out on me. I collapsed to the ground as warm tears rolled down my cheeks rosy from running. I looked to Alec and he had the same expression on his face that my mother did before she disappeared; a look of horror. "Genesis, I-" before he could finish what he was saying the darkness swept him away and I was alone. I awoke with a jolt and my body was covered in sweat, my pillow was damp from my tears, and my heart monitor was going crazy.

A few minutes later Susana walked in, wearing green scrubs and a white coat. Her hair today was in a tight bun and she was wearing glasses (not that she needed them). "Good morning Genesis, has your wolf been active at all yet today?" She said as she approached my bed.

"No." I croaked, my voice still hoarse from sleep. I cleared it and began again, "No, she has not. I just woke up though so that could be it." I was afraid, what if she never came back? My heart longed for her presence, she was a part of me. Sensing my worry Susana quickly responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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