Chapter 15

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Hey everyone, it has been quite a while. I disappeared from this website a couple of years ago. I have since started college, moved across the country, and stopped writing. I recently just looked at this site again and decided to work on finishing this story in the upcoming months. I will definitely go back and do a GREAT deal of editing to this (because it truly needs it) and also make the story flow a bit better whilst also filling in some holes. Until then though, I hope you enjoy the exceptionally rough version of Better Than Revenge. -T


My heart dropped at the sight of those eyes. I knew them, they haunted my dreams for the past two weeks. What was HE doing here? My already frail body began to tremble and right before I could as much as move they disappeared. I stumbled my way back to the sanitary bed provided at the hospital and plopped down as gracefully as a bowl in a china closet. It had been such a rush waking up and discovering everything that had happened while I was in a coma that I hadn't truly been able to process it all. But as I laid there, alone in a all white room, surrounded by only the sound of a monitor beeping in tune with my heart rate to remind myself that I was in fact still living, did I begin to crumble. The loss of it all hit me like a truck. I had lost a boyfriend, a mate, and pack so quickly. This was the pack that mine and Andrew's parents loved so deeply, this was a pack of people that I had known my whole life that now probably hated my brother and I. What were we going to do? We couldn't stay on the pack territory for long now that we were Nomads because the pack that my family had led for generations now had the right to kill us if they so pleased. We were trespassers. 

My attention changed when by the tune of my stomach grumbling, I longed for a thick burger and some fries with ranch. My body was uncomfortable, it was reminding me that I hadn't truly eaten anything in days. Hopefully a nurse or someone would be in soon so I could eat. Finally after a few minutes of quite literally doing absolutely nothing my hospital room door opened and a tiny woman in scrubs walked in.

"Hello Genesis, I am Dr. Abeyta. I have been caring for you for the past few days, I am sorry I couldn't come to your room earlier when you initially woke up I was in the midst of a surgery. I know Abbey came in and answered any questions that you may have had an explained to you what happened, but have any new questions come up for you dear?" Her voice was smooth and even, she was the kind of woman that exuded confidence and intelligence. She was the one that men were intimidated by, academics envied, and women wanted to be. In just the few words she said to me I knew that I was in good hands.

"Uhmm, nothing has really come to mind. But I would kill for a burger right now. I am incredibly hungry and do feel pretty weak." I managed to croak out, I tried to laugh but all I could manage at the moment was a small smile.

"Okay I will have someone bring a burger up from the cafeteria for you dear. With the weakness, you should expect that for a few more days. Understand that your body has been through a lot in the past few weeks and has fought to remain healthy with all of its might. You have also lost quite a bit of weight, which is normal but not ideal. I will be monitoring you for a little while longer to make sure you are healthy and back to feeling your normal self." As she said this she placed her hand on mine, it was cold and smooth. Her skin was perfect and she did not have a hair out of place. Something about her was different than most humans I now realized I just could not figure out what it was.

"I have to stay here a few more days? I want to go home, Andrew, my brother, and I need to leave you don't understand Dr. Abeyta I can't be here for a few more days." I said flustered, realizing that the pack could attack any day now if they found out I was awake.

"Genesis, I understand you wanting to leave but I cannot release you right now. Your wolf is still dormant, she should be back within a few hours now that you are awake. I need to make sure she is okay as well."  What the hell, how did she know what I was? How did she know about my wolf? She clearly was not a werewolf, I would have known immediately. Sensing my confusion she light out a small chuckle and began, "I can tell you are a bit trepidatious of me right now Genesis. No need to worry, I know what you are because I am a vampire." At that I could have fainted. Dr. Abeyta, was a vampire? Vampires were real? Why on earth did I not already know this?

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