Chapter 14

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Hello Everyone! Sorry for updating this a tad late! I hope you enjoy

song: Red by Taylor Swift


Andrew arrived a little after Abbey's call.  He rushed in to my room in a dazed state. His hair was disheveled and the bags under his eyes made it look like he hadn't slept in days.  In his quickened pace he stumbled over his own feet until he made it to my bed.  He froze and scanned me perceptively with his eyes as if what he was seeing wasn’t real.  "Genesis, oh my god  I have been so worried about you! I was just petrified by the idea that I could possibly lose you.  Don't you ever leave me, promise!" 

I was sorrowed by his concern; he must have gone through hell.  I remember how distraught he and I were when mom and dad died, for a while there life was unbearable.  But Andrew and I had each other and because of that, we were able to make it through. "I promise Andrew."  I said in a loving tone. I took hold of his hand as he sat on the side of my bed.  "Andrew have you not been sleeping?" I asked in a quiet tone.  The beeping from my heart monitor filled the air with its annoying chirps.

"Gene, I couldn't sleep I have been so afraid." He squeezed my hand tightly, I knew he was afraid to let go. "Gene I did something bad..." Andrew whispered. He looked me in the eyes then looked down into his lap hiding his face.  He knew I was going to ask what it was so he just continued his train of thought. "I left the pack." Just like that my heart dropped and my body was consumed in fear and sadness.  “Gene when you went to the hospital and they told me they weren’t sure if you would ever wake up, I lost it completely.  I confronted Alec about it, about the fact that he may have killed you.  He apologized but expressed to me that he had no plans of leaving Andrea.  When he said that, I just saw red.  I knew as the alpha I shouldn’t have challenged him but I did.  He’s your fucking mate and he didn’t care that he may have killed you.  I scratched him pretty deeply on the chest before I was pulled away from him.  I declared that you and I were no longer to be a part of that twisted pack with a piece of shit for an alpha.  I know he is your mate and all, but I couldn’t do it, you deserve better.  He tried to make a comment about how I am his best friend but I didn’t listen to any of it.”

My heart tore to shambles when I heard that.  I let out a body shaking sob, my wolf cried and although Andrew was right with me, I felt completely and utterly alone.  Andrew squeezed my hand again and his eyebrows pursed in empathy. He leaned in to me and held me tightly to his chest and my tears stained his dirty T-shirt.  “If we are no longer a part of the pack, why did Camilla come visit me? That is against the law!” I said shocked that she would ever risk anything for me. 

“The news spread pretty quickly around the pack as she told me.  When she had heard she was so distressed and sorry.  Even though she isn’t always a good person, she cares for you in her own weird way.”  He rubbed his hand soothingly in my hair, still clutching me to his chest. I wanted to bury myself into that dampened shirt and never have any interaction with anyone again but my sorrow was interrupted by Abbey entering the room.  She made a noise from the back of her throat and I withdrew my face from Andrews’s chest and looked at her.  She held so much pity in her eyes, not for me, but for Andrew.  She walked towards us and placed her hand on Andrews shoulder and I saw him immediately relax.

“Sorry for interrupting but Genesis I need to run some quick tests.” Andrew reached up to his shoulder and clutched her hand in his, brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.  What the hell was happening?  He stood up from my bed and found a seat on the opposite side of the room.  Abbey ran some tests and as she left the room Andrew stood up to meet her and pecked her on the lips.  The second she was out the door I raised my eyebrow at him and he blushed.

“So I found my mate…” Andrew said lightly.


“WHY ON EARTH DIDN’T YOU TELL ME ANDREW I SWEAR TO GOD I’M GOING TO MAKE YOU REGRET WITHOLDING THIS INFORMATION FROM ME.” I said in an exasperated tone. “Wait how she is your mate?  She is a human.”

“I have no idea; she doesn’t know what I am yet though.  She just thinks she has a very odd intense pull to me.” He smiled.  I was so overjoyed for Andrew but I was saddened for myself in some ways.  My mate didn’t want me. I wasn’t good enough. The night went on with Andrew and I watching game shows on the hospital tv and eating terrible hospital food.  On the occasions when Abbey would drop in, I would watch how adoringly she looked at Andrew and the way he looked back at her.  They had only known each other for two weeks but to any outside viewer it seemed like a century.  They were made for each other.  

At around nine I told Andrew I was tired and that I wanted some privacy for rest.  Although I was the farthest thing from tired… I had essentially been asleep for the past two weeks.  Agreeing with me after a bit of debate, Andrew went home to sleep in his own bed for the first time in forever.  I had to use the restroom and didn’t want to ask for approval from Abbey so I slowly climbed out of my bed and grasped the stand holding all my necessary fluids and was the other end for all the tubes hooked up to me. Using it almost as a steadier I slowly took steps towards the bathroom.  Each movement ached in to my bones; it was like my body forgot how to function properly.  My steps mimicked those of toddlers’. After reaching the bathroom and relieving myself I struggled to make my way back to the bed.  I noticed my curtains were open so I slowly walked to them. My body was frail and my bones felt so weak that I was afraid with each step I took my legs would shatter.  I looked at my reflection in the glass and was surprised with what I saw.  My white hair was unruly and had grown.  I looked like I had lost 45 pounds somehow and my blue eyes were almost a brown.  My lips were chapped and my skin an ivory white.  I looked dead.  Not wanting to see myself anymore, my shaky hand reached toward the curtain and began to pull it shut when I noticed on the ground, four stories below me, a pair of glowing eyes.

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