Chapter 11~~ WHAAAAA

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My word have I missed wattpad. I am sorry I havent updated I feel like a big let down, I hate it when my faborite authors dont update. I have been on so many adventures recently! Thank you to my readers you guys are great. ~~~~

                "What are you doing here?" I asked harshly staring into the eyes of my former bestfriend.

"Listen I know you hate me right now and yes I have been a bitch but I just didn't know who else to talk to." Cam sobs. I had only seen her this upset when her dad left her family a few years back. As much as I hated her and I wanted to slam the door in her face I knew I couldn't because then I would be no worse than her.

"Well you are right about me hating you, but I will listen to you since we have known eachother since we were six. Come inside lets go to my room but be quiet my brother is sleeping." I said stepping away leaving room for her to enter my home.  I was curious as to why she was so upset, I mean couldn't she just have spoken to Brandon? I began to lead up the stairs toward my bedroom. I opened the old, white, wooden door listening to its bottom brush against the worn down old carpet. I walked across my room to my fairly large bed with a newer matress but an antique frame. When I sat down on it, it creaked from years of use.  Cam walked in as I sat down facing the doorway and pushed the door shut. She then slid down the door until her butt hit my floor. she sat criss cross apple sauce and cried. 

"I don't know where to begin. Brandon and I only had sex once... But because of that one time I am pregnant. I don't know what to do or say, infact Brandon and I havent really been talking lately. I know he doesnt even care about me, infact I know he has been sleeping with Andrea." She sobbed. It took me a moment to comprehend all that was going on. Did I just hear everything right? My former bestfriend had sex with my ex-boyfriend, got pregnant, my ex-boyfriend then started having sex with my mate's fiance. Oh god how did my life end up being like a soap opera?  Wow I was shocked to say the least.

"Well you have to talk with Brandon, he is the father and he has a right to know. You need his support in whatever decision you make. " Is all I could manage to say to her.

"I just don't know what to do anymore, I have screwed up my life so bad. I hurt the person who was there for me the most and even now the people who I chose over you treat me terribly. After everything I have done to you, you still are kind to me and it doesn't make sense. I know I have done wrong by you time and time again and I am so sorry. I miss you. I don't expect you to be my friend again, hell if you did to me all the things I did to you I would try and maliciously hurt you." She said with mascara running down her usually pretty face making her look terrible. I was past the point of caring anymore though, I had grown and honestly all I felt while looking at her was pity.

"Look Cam, you are right when you say I don't want to be your friend again, but I am willing to be kind to you and I will always have an open ear if you need to talk. This is why you and I are different because I don't look for anyone to hurt no matter how bad they hurt me. Yes sometimes I am a bit rash in the heat of the moment and think I do, but I believe two wrongs don't make a right. Remember an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Plus knowing you for so long I made the decision to let you treat me the way you did. I knew you were trouble." 

"Thanks for listening Genesis, and honestly you were a much better friend than I ever was. I am glad we had such time together. I will go talk to Brandon now." She said smiling while wipping away tears and walking out of my bedroom.

So if Andrea was cheating on Alec should I let him know and split them up or should I let nature take its course?

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