chapter 2...

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"wait what are you doing here Alec? I thought you were still off at college." i said trying to gain my composure.

"I am taking a break from school for now so i decided to come back home, but I do not see how that is important currently when you are off in the woods sobbing in the dirt, not to mention its freaking cold out here. Gen, whats wrong?" he asked tilting his head to the side a tad bit. God he is cute, wait why I am I thinking that when his brother just broke my heart? I then pushed my frame up off the ground and stood up. I brushed the dirt off my new white summer dress and replied.

"Nothing, I...I am fine." I smiled weakly, I could tell he wasn't buying it.

"Are you sure because you sure as hell don't seem fine, in fact you look like you just got hit by a bus." he grinned revealing he had two cute dimples in his cheeks.

"Wait, what are you doing here and how did you find me?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know, honestly my wolf was telling me something wasnt right, so I went for a run and my wolf brought me here to you. Wait! no changing the subject I asked you a question and I expect you to answer me...Wait wheres Brandon?" When Alec said that I felt my heart drop and my knees go weak again. water began to well up in my eyes, I was surprised I still had anymore tears, I did not need to start crying again let alone in front of my mate, Alec, Brandond big brother.

"I, uhhh...I don't know." I answered honestly, its not like I knew where he was so I wasn't lying.

"Genesis, if you don't tell me whats wrong in the next five seconds I will call Brandon and tell him I found you here like this and ask him whats wrong." he looked at me expecting me to say something but I remained mute. "5....4....3....2.........Gen come on." still no answer. "One, I warned you." he then reached into his pocket pulled out his cell phone and began to dial.

"WAIT!" he hung up his phone and put it back in his pocket then looked at me with his eyebrows raised. "Well, I went over to your house today to uhmm, surprise Brandon because we both figured that we would probably never find our actual mates, because the odds are really slim of finding them nowadays. well, Brandon asked me to let him mark me as his and I mark him as mine. At first I didn't want to but after thinking about it for a while I decided that I would last night. well when I got to your house I went up to Brandon's room and..." My voice was shaking and my entire body was trembling. Hold it together Genesis! I thought to myself. " when I opened his door to surprise him and tell him I wanted to mark I saw him and Cam both shirtless on his bed making I ran out here to the Forrest and have been balling my eyes out for hours like the pathetic loser I am! Are you Happy Alec, are yo happy with what you heard, happy that you had me embarrass myself again and remind me of what a nobody I am! Do you feel accomplished?!?!" I screamed feeling the tears poor down my face. Alec stood there looking dumbfounded, like I just smacked him or something.

"I am sorry Genesis, so sorry I really had no clue. When did he tell you about wanting to mark you?" he asked softly still standing across from me.

"Yesterday in the morning..."

"That asshole! I cannot believe he would do that to you, I will kill him I swear! you have been there for him for over a year and he just treats you that!" he said harsly with anger pouring out of each word.

"You're preaching to the choir...but please don't tell him anything, just act like you dont know and you did not see me, I really do not need any more humiliation, the last thing I need is to look weak."

"you wont look weak! he deserves it Gen!" he said

"Alec, please just drop it, I can handle it myself. I don't want to give him the satisfaction.." I said

"Fine but if you want me to do anything just ask and I will...Lets get you home." he said gently. I nodded my head and began to walk toward civilization with Alec close behind. Finally we made it to his jeep. The entire ride back to my house was awkward and silent, finally we pulled up. He killed the engine and looked at me, "Don't forget what I said Gen." I nodded and got out of the car. Right when I got to my front door Alec ran up behind me. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. Shocks shot through my body when he touched me and I was sure he felt them too because he quickly drew his hand back with his eyes wide.

"I uhhh, wanted to give you my number if you uhmmm, needed to give me a call anytime, yeah uhmmm." He was completely lost for words as was I.

"Yeah, sure." I said smiling weakly I pulled out my phone and punched in his phone number. he began to walk away back to his car turning around every other step he took to look at me and say goodbye awkwardly...yup he felt the sparks, great what else do you wanna throw at me mother nature! I thought sarcastically but as soon as I thought it I wished I hadn't because when I walked in the house my big brother was sitting in the living room waiting for me and boy did he look happy...not.

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