Chapter 7 - Playing On Train Tracks

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A/N: btw this is going to be a VERY long chapter sooooo yeahh--- also if you saw the notification for this at 4am last night shut up no you didn't it was an accident.

Kokichi's POV

I uncrumple the paper to see..
Hundreds of death threats and vulgar comments. I couldn't keep myself from reading them all, it was like my eyes had a mind of their own.

Go play on train tracks!
Go play in traffic!
I dare you to do the blue whale challenge LOL
You should jump off the school rooftop
Go play tag in the street!
Whoever killed you in the killing game is the best person to exist!
I bet your parents regret having you!
I bet you get abused at home
I hope you kill yourself!
Blow your brains out!
hang yourself!
Play hangman in real life
I hope you cut so deep that you die of blood loss!
Nobody cares about you!
Everyone wishes you were dead!
The world would be better off without you!
Everyone would be so much happier if you just died!

Tears filled up in my eyes as I read all of the violent remarks. But.. there was one sentence that left me in pieces.

You're alone, Kokichi, and you always will be.

At that point, I couldn't take it anymore. I raised my hand to go to the bathroom, my teacher approved, not even noticing the tears in my eyes.

Little did everyone know, I wasn't going to the bathroom, but the rooftop. I didn't know if I was going to jump or not but I kept going up each flight of stairs quicker and quicker.

I eventually got to the final floor, I only had to go up 8 flights of stairs since my classroom was on the 15th floor. The school did have an elevator, but I wanted to take my time and see if anybody noticed I was gone.

I sat on the edge of the roof, my legs dangling off. I stared down, feeling almost nauseous when I saw how high I was. I took a small pocket knife out of my pocket, I had brought it up here so I could self harm in peace where no one would find me. Or so I thought..

Rantaro's POV

I noticed Kokichi had been gone for a while, so I raised my hand to go to the bathroom. When my teacher approved i headed straight to the boy's bathroom expecting to find Kokichi but didn't. I was a bit confused, but then I realized he might be skipping.

I hung out with Kokichi a bit in the killing game, so he told me about things he liked to do and one of them was skipping his classes on the rooftop because no one ever finds him there.

I took the elevator to the rooftop and as expected I saw Kokichi there.. but he was sitting at the edge and I saw blood on his arm. I walked closer and closer behind him but slowly so he wouldn't hear my footsteps.

Eventually I got close enough to peek over his shoulder and I saw something I never thought I'd see. To my surprise, Kokichi was slitting his wrists with a mini pocket knife. My brotherly instincts almost kicked in and I nearly snatched the knife from his hands.

But I had done my research on how to handle stuff like this, and I knew to not just force him to stop. Doing that could lead to terrible results.

I slowly made my way back to the elevator, still trying to not make any noises. I took small glances back to him as I walked, making sure he didn't jump off of the roof.

I finally reached the elevator and as it took me back to the 15th floor. While I was waiting for the elevator to stop at my floor it clicked in my mind.

"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryWhere stories live. Discover now