Chapter 13 - Promises Are Always Broken

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Kaede's POV

Hey, Shuichi? We need to talk..

Oh, uhm.. Ok then, whats it about?

Ok, listen.. I'm sorry but.. I feel like our relationship isn't working.. I'm sorry, I don't share the same feelings with you anymore. Please understand.

Oh! I actually understand completely! I don't feel the same way anymore either! I'm glad we can agree on this :) so are we broken up now? And if so can we still be friends?

Yes, we're broken up. But of course we can be friends! And I'm glad we can agree on this too :)

I put down my phone and smiled, I was so glad he understood.

Of course, I didn't just break up with him so Kokichi could be happy, I did it because I just genuinely didn't have feelings for Shuichi anymore. Why would I drag out a relationship with someone I didn't even like? It makes no sense. So I'm sure I did the right thing.

But I'm still worried about Kokichi.. there's definitely something going on.. and its not good.

Shuichi's POV

I didn't really care that Kaede broke up with me, after all I have to admit the relationship was going no where anyway. And.. even if I don't want to admit this.. its true. I have a crush on Kokichi and I'm fully sure of it.

I always knew I was bisexual, but do I really wanna date someone like Ouma? I know he tried to die twice not too long ago for whatever reason.. but why? Why would someone like him try to do something so depressing?

Was he depressed? Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. It doesn't seem like he would just.. attempt suicide. And I found out he had been self harming too, a majority of the cuts seemed to be both old and new, which indicated that he's been doing it for quite a long time.

I know Kokichi told me to keep his attempts a secret.. but I felt like I needed to tell someone. Someone trustworthy and someone who wouldn't make fun of him more because of it.

Maybe Kaede? No, she might tell someone else. Rantaro? Him and Kokichi are close and they see eachother as brothers so why not? It seems as though they're the perfect pair, right?

But would Rantaro really be the best choice? What if he gets mad at Kokichi for it? I sighed and kept pondering who I should tell.

My train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the door. I scrambled to answer it and when I did, my eyes met with Kaito's.

I was about to ask him what he was doing here, but he suddenly started speaking very quickly, almost too quick to the point where I couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Hey sidekick, so uhm... iwannantlakabaluttheflwerthatwasonkokchideskwbcaueevejthoutihatehimikindafeelbadforhim" I paused for a brief moment to try and translate his mumbles, I couldn't.

"Kaito, English please?" He looked at me with guilty eyes after hearing that response and sighed. He opened his mouth to speak again.

"I wanna talk about the flower that was on Kokichi's desk because even though I hate him.. I kinda feel bad for him. I feel like the bullying is beginning to get a bit too harsh and I think its my fault.."

I gazed at him with suspicion, was he implying that he was the one who put the flower there?

I assumed Kaito saw this emotion because soon enough he added, "Oh! I wasn't the one who put it there! I really don't know who did it. I can try to help you figure it out if you want though."

"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryWhere stories live. Discover now