Chapter 27 - Who's Kokichi?

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Kokichi's POV

It still hurt. Even though I knew Shuichi didn't mean to be late, he still was. But I'd never admit that it still affected me.
I'd never admit that I couldn't even bring myself out of bed to go to school over a small mistake. It was too hard. Took too much effort and on top of that my motivation was so low.

I was overcome with despair. Empty, depressing, heartwrenching despair. Somebody knocked on my door the day after my birthday, I don't know who it was, but I assume it was Shuichi.

I didn't answer, I didn't want anyone to see how much of a mess I was. He didn't knock a second time. He just left. Maybe Shuichi thought I just needed time alone. I did, I needed some time alone, but I didn't want that time.

What I wanted was to spend all of my days hanging out with Shuichi. Having fun and laughing about things with him. But I couldn't because of my dumb sadness.

I wished sadness never existed. It was a silly wish but I was *that* desperate just for the smallest bit of happiness and hope to creep its way inside my mind. In a way, Shuichi was that hope. In my eyes, Shuichi was the only person I needed.

But.. I couldn't bring myself to get up. It was my fault for not being able to see Shuichi, right? If I just wasn't so sensitive then I would probably be hanging out with him right now.

My train of thought was cut off by my stomach growling. Oh, right, I haven't eaten since my birthday, and even then I didn't even eat much. How long was that ago? Two and a half days? That seems about right.

Just.. get up... it can't be that hard.

I sat up. Big mistake. My vision darkened and my skin turned pale with malnutrition. It hurt. It hurt so bad. I layed back down, gripping my head in pain. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Shuichi's POV

Kokichi hadn't come out of his room since his birthday. If I were being honest, it worried me. I had tried checking up on him the day after, but he didn't answer. I could hear muffled sobs come from the other side though.

Maybe he was still sad about me being late. Yeah, I wouldn't blame him for that, it was a d*ck move. My fault, should've just waited to go to Kaede's.

should I knock again? probably. I got up and made my way to Kokichi's dorm. I knocked. No response. Panicking, I lightly called his name. The doorknob turned and relief flooded over me.

He opened the door, too slightly for my liking and it made me unable to see him, but oh well. The only thing that mattered was that he was ali-

"I'm sorry for not answering before." I heard him whisper under his breathe.

"No no its fine don't worry, I don't blame you. By the way if you do need some time alone, just tell me first so I know to give you space, alright?"

"Yeah, that's okay with me. Uhm, I'm kind of tired, so, I have to, uhm, go now. Bye Shuichi. Thanks for checking on me." He said in a hurry before closing the door.

Did he really not wanna see me that badly? Why did he just... leave so quickly like that? And the way he's acting.. its not like him.. I thought, but something in my head was ringing over and over about how he just wanted some alone time for now.

'Alone time.' I didn't like that- that word. I was certain Kokichi definitely didn't like it either. Certainly not after
I used it against him more than once. Poor Kokichi. I wish I could just apologize to him non stop for it, too bad I suck at apologies...

1 week time skip

I haven't seen Kokichi for a whole week. I haven't seen him since I last talked to him. He never went to school and never left his dorm. It was alarming. I knocked for him many times but got no response. Maybe others have seen him?

Walking through the school halls, I spotted Himiko. Desperate to make sure  Kokichi was okay, I ran up to her, the short girl slightly startled by my sudden approach.

"Nyeh.. what do you want?" She muttered, sounding bored just like she always did. It was that same tone every time she spoke unless she was angry, which didn't occur that often unless she was around Kokichi because of his pranks.

"Uh, Himiko, have you seen Kokichi lately? He won't answer his door and I haven't seen him for quite a while." I lightly tapped my foot as I waited for her response.

She rested her index finger on her chin, as if she were trying to remember something. She finally looked back up at me and said,

"Who's Kokichi?"

I completely froze, confused and shocked by how forgetful the short girl could be. "Kokichi! The one who was in the killing game with us? How can you forget about something like that?!"

Himiko's eyes shot slightly open and she gasped. "Ohhh, him. I haven't heard or seen him in so long that I started to forget about him, nyeh.. try knocking for him, he should answer if you tell him its yo-"

"Hey! Degenerate male! Get away from Himiko or I'll start up a new killing game just so I can kill you!" There was no mistaking who that was. It was Tenko.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, I pushed past both girls in a hurry. Maybe I can bribe Kokichi to come out with bait. I thought to myself as I stopped in front of a vending machine, pulling a 5 dollar bill out of my pocket.

I pushed the dollar into the slot and pressed "c6", I watched as the sugary drink fell down and landed at the bottom. I reached my hand into the small door and pulled out the soda.

I started walking to Kokichi's dorm, reading the information on the back of the bottle. It read:

Serving Size: 1 Bottle
Grams of Sugar: 90g
Calories: 0

Wow, 90 grams of sugar in one bottle? So this thing must be pretty sweet huh. Oh, 0... calories? Thats odd. You would expect something as sugary as this would contain a lot of calories, right?

..Maybe I shouldn't give him this. Sugary things aren't good to eat and drink all the time, I'll go back and get him a water bottle instead, then I'll give him this when he starts to feel better, as a surprise.

I want to make him as happy as I can.


"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryWhere stories live. Discover now