Chapter 9 - Woods

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rlly quick a/n: a lot of my new chapters will be pretty long from now on so enjoy!

Kokichi's POV

When me and Saihara got to his dorm, he lead me to the second bedroom. "You can sleep here for the night, because tomorrow I'm hanging out with Kaede and I can't be worrying about what 'pranks' you'll pull on me."

what a half-assed statement.. I thought to myself. "Oh? Does Saihara-Chan have a girlfriend~?" I teased, trying to smother the memory from when I had to watch Shuichi confess to the pianist.

Shuichi looked flustered, he pretended to face-palm, but he was really just trying to hide his blushing. I felt hurt.

Suddenly he removed his hand from his face and said, "Yes, I admit me and Kaede are dating, how did you even know? And why does it even matter anyway? Weren't you just having a panic attack just because you couldn't sleep? Grow up, it's like you're 6."

I felt hurt at those last two statements. "Whatever Saihara I'm tired I'm just gonnagotobednowokbyegoodnight" I said the last part quickly and pushed Shuichi out of the room, shutting the door quickly.

first of all i was having a panic attack from ptsd but-

you're faking it.


you're faking your ptsd I'm n-

yes you are. attention seeker.

I don't-

I cut myself off before I could zone out. I slowly made my way to the bed in the middle of the room. It was quite large. I pulled the covers up just before it could go above my shoulders and curled into a ball.

I thought being in Shuichi's dorm would've calmed down my ptsd, but it surprisingly didn't. I started to cry, I felt hopeless. Brought the blanket up over my head and cried softly.

Shuichi's POV

After Ouma shoved me out of the room, I went back to mine. I sat down on my bed and started to wonder how Kokichi died in the killing game. I talked to everyone from the killing game but they all say they don't remember.

I'll think about this tomorrow, right now I'm tired.. I thought to myself as I slowly fell asleep.

All of a sudden around 7am, I woke up hearing loud crying. It came from Ouma so I quickly rushed to his room and opened up the door. There he sat on the edge of the bed, he had his blanket draped over him and he was hugging himself while shaking.

"Kokichi! What happened? Are you alright?" Then I remembered what happened last night. his insomnia.. poor Kokichi.. he probably didn't sleep at all last night and I didn't even know..

I could hear him trying to stutter out words. "I-I t-thought s-someone was g-goi- *hic* going to hurt m-me i-if I fell asleep- *hic* and I didn't w-want to b-be forgotten b-by everyone i-if I d-died.."

I tried to calm him. "K-Kokichi its ok! We aren't in the killing game anymore, no one going to hurt you, I'm here. I would never forget you." Immediately after I said that I realized what Kokichi had said.

he doesn't wanna be forgotten by anyone? is that why he acts the way he does...?

"Hey Kokichi, do you fear being forgotten?" I saw him slightly jump at that question. He got up, throwing the blanket off of himself and running out of the room. I tried to chase him but he had already left. I sighed, the only thing I could do was study his behavior.

"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryWhere stories live. Discover now