Chapter 20 - The Gun

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(Quick A/N: this chapter has a lot of POV switches, its not that big of a deal but just make sure you pay attention to them so you don't get mixed up with who's POV it is)

Shuichi's POV

As I struggled to sleep, my eyes remained stuck open, thinking and worrying about Kokichi. My mind kept telling me to check on him. It was almost so much to the point where a headache was starting to form.

The dorms were soundproof, just ike the ones in the killing game, so I wouldn't be able to hear if he was crying or screaming or something like that.

I turned over onto my left side and shut my eyes, wrestling with my own body to sleep. Eventually I just gave up and decided to stay on my phone until I dozed off.

In the morning, I jumped awake to the sound of my alarm blaring in my face. I rushed to turn it off, exhausted. I got dressed and grabbed a piece of toast for breakfast before leaving.

When I opened the front door, I immediately hurried to Kokichi's dorm, making sure he didn't hurt or do anything to himself overnight.

Kokichi's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, slightly struggling to do so since they were almost glued closed from me crying for more than half of the night.

I shot up, checking the time before realizing I would be late if I didn't hurry up. As I got dressed and skipped breakfast, I realized I felt more suicidal than I usually did every morning, gaining a new idea.

There's a gun shop not too far from here.. what if I stole a gun and killed myself with it? Its quicker and easier.

If I successfully steal it, I won't commit suicide today, probably either in a week or two. I know I told myself I would do it on my birthday, but why wait until then? It feels dumb to do that.

And if I really was going to get this gun and take my own life with it, I would probably have to take that key back from Shuichi. I wouldn't want him to find my body like that..

My train of thought was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. I quickly ran to the door, turning the knob in a swift motion. When I realized the person who knocked was Shuichi, butterflies rushed through my stomach at just the sight of him.

He opened his mouth and began speaking. "Hey Koki! How did you sleep last night?" he asked, a warm, friendly grin was presented on his face.

"Oh, I slept.. well!" I lied, forcing a smile onto my lips. Shuichi beamed, though I wondered why he asked that since I never told him I had any trouble with sleeping.

"By the way Shumai, do you still have that key I gave you?" Shuichi nodded, one of his eyebrows were now furrowed with uncertainty. I spoke again.

"Can I have it back?" after I said that, Shuichi jumped back slightly with surprise, obviously taken aback by the question. It took a few seconds before he refused my request.

I pouted with annoyance. I did assume that answer would occur, but I didn't want it to. I asked again, this time trying to sound more pleading.

"Pleaaaase Saihara-Chan?" I dragged out the word please, accidentally making Shuichi flustered by that action. But he kept his composure and kept responding with no.

I was irritated at this point, just wanting to get the key back. So I made up an excuse for why I needed it. "Come on Shumai, I lost my other one and last night the lady at the counter said there were no more!"

I mentally laughed, knowing that statement couldn't be any more incorrect. Shuichi sighed and pulled the key out of his pocket. I cheerfully held out my hand as a way of asking for it.

"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryWhere stories live. Discover now