Chapter 22 - Burn Marks

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Uhhh if you saw me accidentally publish this and then unpublish it yesterday, no you didn't.

Kokichi's POV

After barely even convincing, Shuichi promised he'd get me a present and show up to my birthday party, even offered to help with the decorations!

"Yay! Thanks Shumai! You're the best! I love youuuu!!!" I beamed, saying the last part as a half joke since I did love him, but I couldn't tell him that..

Shuichi shuffled his feet awkwardly, but not saying anything. My eyes trailed to the journal I had been crying about before Shuichi walked in on me.

Speaking of which, why did Shuichi have that journal? A whole journal dedicated to me. I know I thought it wasn't that bad earlier, but now that I really thought about it, it was pretty creepy.

"By the way, Shuichi" my voice still sounded childish, but now there were hints of curiousness in my tone that made Shuichi's attention turn to me.

"So, about.. this?" I picked up the journal holding it with my index finger and thumb as if it were contaminated with germs. Shuichi looked away, eyes full of shame and embarrassment when he spoke.

"Well... I just.. I knew something about you was off inside and outside of the killing game, I just couldn't really put my finger on what exactly it was, so I made a journal to study you and your actions.. sorry if it freaked you out... I just wanted to try and understand you better."

I was speechless.

I couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or not.

Was he....?

He probably is and I'm just overthinking...

Don't get too attached. He'll leave just like everyone else.

I decided to trust my gut and not get too attached. I positioned my hands behind my head and began speaking. "Nishishi~! Am I that important in your life?" I asked, obviously just teasing for fun.

But then I heard Shuichi mumble, "Yes.." I froze, a bit surprised now. Did he actually say that or did I imagine that? I probably imagined it, I mean who would actually care about me.

I fake yawned and pretended the stretch, trying to seem unbothered. "Oh wow look at the time! Its 12 o' clock and that means its time for you to finally stop stalking me as if I'm your crush and go to bed! Or am I actually your crush?"

Shuichi blushed and looked like he was about to respond with yes, I panicked and cut him off before he could respond. "Neehee! I'm just joking dummy! Anyways I need to go attend a meeting with my secret organization! Cya loser!"

I effortlessly waved goodbye, slightly feeling down after mentioning D.I.C.E knowing they weren't even real and it was all just made up for the killing game.

I settled on taking a walk to get my mind off of things for a while and calm myself down after what happened. During the walk I got a few weird looks by some strangers.

That was probably because of the killing game, since I was wearing my usual white outfit with my checkered bandana. I had a lot of duplicates of the outfit but I didn't mind, to be honest I liked it.

It would make sense the get stares, since Danganronpa is really popular, and I mean worldwide popular. Its really well known and I wish it wasn't.

I decided to explore an alley way for fun, maybe I'd see a cat or two. It was a bit tight, since the buildings were a little close together. It made my claustrophobia act up a bit, but I calmed down as I spotted 4 kittens all snuggled up next to eachother at the end of the long, slim area.

"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryWhere stories live. Discover now