Michael Myers Oneshot

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Your blood boiled. There was nothing more unnerving to you than someone blatantly ignoring you, especially when it came to your boyfriend. 

You stormed up to the house where you both resided and ripped the unlocked door open. You knew he was here, there is no where else he would go. 

The lights were off and the only sound came from the angry footsteps below your feet. You pushed the bedroom door open to find him standing in front of your vanity, kicking off his shoes. 

He must have just got home from ruining your night with your friends. The one time you got out of the house for just a few hours. The one time you finally thought you could do something without him and he went yandere. 

"How dare you! I cannot believe you tried that shit Michael." you yelled. He was use to your yelling and at this point was unfazed. He ignored you as he took off his shirt to change into night clothes. 

"What were you thinking?" you asked, walking over to him and grabbing his arm, trying to turn him to look at you. "You could have gotten hurt." 

He rolled his eyes and you huffed. You turned to leave, "I'm sleeping on the couch." you muttered. As you reached to grab a pillow and he harshly grabbed your arm. 

You turned, swinging your hand to connect with his cheek. The harsh sound of a slap cut through the room and he immediately dropped your arm. 

You stared at him hard. He knew not to try to intimidate you. You put up with everything, the killing, the cleaning blood out of new shirts, but you would not come home after a hard day of him scaring your friends IN PUBLIC to him trying to intimidate you. 

He retracted from you, snatching a pillow off the bed and storming downstairs without a word. He never let you sleep on the couch. 

After your shower you sat on the bed, silently, listening to his soft snores in the room below you. Finally huffing, you climbed out of bed and padded your way to him. 

"Michael." You muttered from the end of the couch. His eyes immediately flickered open but he didn't respond. You climbed on top of him, straddling his chest. 

"I'm sorry for slapping you. I miss you, come to bed." he grumbled something under his bed. "What was that?" He tilted his head to look at you, "M' Sorry." 

You cracked a small smile and he sat up, pushing you onto his legs. "Come to bed." you smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. He nodded and picked  you up, carrying you to bed. 

***Hi guys! I am back kinda. I wanted to get something out since I have been starving you. Enjoy <3***

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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