Slashers x reader

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Warning: kidnapping and mentions of killing. 

You were walking. You don't know where you were going but you wanted to be alone. You significant other just ended things on the way home and you got out of the car. If they didn't want to be with you you didn't want to be in a car with them. 

In hindsight it probably wasn't the smartest idea to get out of a car on an unfarmiliar road and try to find your way home. You were almost certain if you cut through the woods you would hit the main road and be close enough to catch a bus. 

You were very wrong. The deeper you went into the woods the more lost you became. Tears stained your cheeks as you kicked things out of your way. Not only were you angry, you were heart broken. There was a sound of screaming in the distance and while it wasn't a smart idea to follow it, what did you have to lose. 

You followed the sound back to a house and stopped cold in your tracks when you saw a man come out of the house carrying a body. He was giant and seemed to not mind the weight of the person he was carrying. You held your breath, hoping he didn't see you. 

Everything was working until you felt arms wrap around you and pick you up. You screamed out, kicking and thrashing. "Let me go!" you yelled bringing your head back harshly. It made contact with the person's face and they dropped you. You stumbled off the ground and ran for the other direction. 

You ran into what felt like a tree but then you saw the chainsaw in it's hand, it was definitely not a tree. The man picked you up and carried you back into the house. You thrashed and yelled and kicked until they slammed you onto a table and strapped you down. The room was silent as your captor left. Leaving you defenseless. 

This is part of a request so I will be posting a few more chapters that go with this (i.e. slashers x reader 2)

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now