Leatherface Oneshot

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I sat in the field setting a trap. I always tried to help Thomas when he would let me and when I had time. I convinced him I could at least help reset some traps. He was a few feet away doing something and I looked up at him at the worst possible time. 

I heard the snap first followed by searing pain running up my arm. The trap had triggered and was now in a lock around my lower arm, blood flushing from the new wound. I screamed out and Thomas turned around. 

He ran to my side, terror filling his eyes. He began to mumble something about how this was a bad idea in the first place but I tried not to pay attention to that as much as I did trying not to rip my arm out. 

He grabbed the mouth of the trap and pulled it open, strained and his muscles flexing as much as they possibly could. I pulled my arm back, screaming at the pain. He threw the trap aside and picked me up, running to the house. 

He put me on the kitchen counter, my arm draining blood into the sink. "Why weren't you watching what you were doing?" he grumbled, upset at my pain. "I looked at you for a second." I whimpered. 

He wrapped my arm and held pressure on it for a second, squeezing my arm. "I have to sanitize it or it will get infected." he said giving me a sympathetic look. I nodded and he grabbed a bottle of seralizing alcohol and I squeezed my eyes shut. 

He poured the cold liquid into the cut and immediately burning overtook my senses. I screamed as loudly as humanly possible and he began bandaging my now clean wound. It luckily wasn't deep enough for stitches, we thought. 

At this point everyone was in the entry to the kitchen asking questions and starring in shock. I tried to stop the crying as I held my arm close to me and Thomas finished and put away the supplies. 

"No more helping me on traps." he said seriously as he walked over and hugged me. "I'm sorry." I said leaning my face into his shoulder. He rubbed circles in my back until I stopped crying and pulled back, kissing me lightly. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now