Leatherface Oneshot

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You fixed his tie, straightening it for him. Today was the day you got to marry the love of your life. Thomas wanted a wedding and while you weren't huge on the idea of making a scene about it, Luda Mae insisted, saying she never thought she'd see the day. 

Drayton and Luda Mae went out and scoured the surrounding areas for a dress shop, insisting you would wear one. They came back with a long dress bag and put it in your room so Thomas wouldn't see it. 

You left him to change and Luda Mae was waiting in your room to help you. You changed into the dress which fit you perfectly and Luda mae adjusted a simple and sweet flower crown on the top of your head. 

You turned around when you heard sniffles. She was crying. You wrapped your arms around her, "Mama what's wrong?" you asked sympathetically. She waved your worry away. "Nothing dear, just Thomas. I thought he'd never find anyone but here you are, so loving to him and the family." she said trying to stop new tears from falling. 

You smiled and hugged her again. You loved Thomas and his family and nothing was every going to change that. Thomas found you one day on the side of the road and you saw the kindness in his eyes. His family was poor and needed help and you never looked back. 

You wiped her tears away and looped her arm in yours as you walked out of the room and outside. The boys had built a small but beautiful alter in the yard and Thomas and Drayton stood at the end. 

Luda Mae walked down the isle and hugged Thomas and sat down in the chairs they had set up. You walked down alone, holding the hem of your skirt to prevent tripping. You got to Thomas and saw a tear trickle from his eye. 

You read each other vows and saw the smallest glimmer of silver in his fingers. He reached for your hand and handed you a ring. You  examined it, the hand-crafted silver. There was a stone in the center that caught your eye. 

"Thomas, is this.." you trailed off, tears suddenly springing up. When Thomas found you, you were looking for a necklace that your ex had thrown from the car and left you to look for it alone on a street. In the ring Thomas gave you was the diamond from the center of the necklace. 

You began crying and hugged him tightly. He hugged you back and helped you get the ring onto your finger. It fit perfectly. You smiled and kissed him and the family clapped. Everyone seemed to be happy and Thomas lowered his face beside yours, "I love you." 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now