Slasher House Oneshot

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This is going to be something different. For Slasher House imagines it is going to be a house full of slashers oneshot. Since this is new I'm not sure if it will be popular or not so let me know what you think!

You rolled over on your side and sat up in bed. Something was off in the house. There wasn't nearly as much noise as there usually was in the morning.

 You roomed between Billy and Stu's shared room and Carrie's room, therefore you usually heard music from Carrie or chatter from Billy and Stu. Today there was nothing. 

You climbed out of bed and walked to the door, Jason's oversized tshirt becoming a dress on you. You rubbed sleep from your eyes and opened the door. 

Silence stilled the hallways and you tiptoed outside. There was some noise from the kitchen so you made your way there, peeking in doorways which all turned out empty. 

In the kitchen Carrie, Michael, Jasona and Brahms sat at the table and Billy and Stu leaned against the counter. 

Breakfast items splayed their way across the kitchen. You felt a hand on your back and turned your face to see Norman. He handed you a cup of coffee and kissed your temple. 

Carrie smiled from her seat at the table. "Happy Slashaversary." she said in a normal tone. Today, one year ago you joined the house. 

You smiled and sat at the other end of the table. "We are so glad we have you here." Brahms said in his quiet tone. 

Dark hair hung over your face as arms wrapped around your shoulders. You peaked up at a early rosen Samara. She released you and you leaned back in your chair. 

Stu placed a plate of pancakes in front of you and ruffled your hair. You looked up at the table of freaks you called your family. 

"I love you guys." you said with a smile. They nodded, some grunted in response. There was nothing more far from normal but more close to perfect. 

Slasher Preferences/One-Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now